Chapter Three

Começar do início

"I told you. I'm not marrying him," I say to him firmly.

Somehow I can sense his smile, without even seeing it. "You don't have a choice my dear."

We don't speak for a moment, just looking at each other. Eventually, he pulls away, motioning to the seat behind me. "You might want to sit down for this."

Instantly, I do. I believe him. He is about to tell me something that I don't like, and I don't want to be that person that collapses on the ground is despair.

"You shall be proposed to in front of my Pack tomorrow evening. The news will quickly spread," he exclaims. I frown in discontent, but stay silent.

"After you say yes, your real job will start," he tells me. I ask him what, but he shakes his head at me.

"You will find out the rest later. For now, you will sleep," he says airily. I hold my hands up, when he goes to turn away. He stops, glancing back at me.

"This hasn't made me want to stay at all."

Kaden laughs. Oh no. "Would you like to try your luck and escape, Mara?"

"You can't keep me here forever," I retort. I will be defiant to the end. If he thinks he can keep me here on my own will, he is crazy. I will forever try to escape, and make it back to my rightful Pack.

He walks behind me, and I don't turn. As I sit on the chair, I still shake. He frightens me. He lays his hands on my shoulders, making me jump visibly.

"You have no idea how much control I have over you," he says in my ear. He has leant down, so I can feel his warm breath against my neck. Because of this, I feel even more intimidated. For some reason, the fact that I can feel him on an vulnerable part of my body makes him seem so much more real.

"You're so defiant. And I love it. Why? Because everyone else from your Pack is pathetic," he tells me, making me shiver. "You, on the other hand intrigue me."

Intrigue him? That's got to be a bad thing.

"But we are still so different," he continues.

My voice is shaky as I decide to speak up. "Why?"

He walks back around so he it right in front of me. He kneels down again, bringing his face so close, I can see the outline of some of his features. Yet still, his identity is completely uncertain.

I reach my hand out, to try feel his face. To see if he really is as attractive as he makes himself or to be. Instead, he grabs my wrist before I get close. He pulls it tight to my chest, making me wince.

"Because I've done more things in my life than you could imagine," he whispers harshly. He is mad. How dare I try touch him... And

"I've been further than you," he exclaims. I clench my jaw. He is twisting my arm in such a way, that pain surges up and to the back of my head.

"I've learnt more than you," he continues with a gruff voice. I don't dare voice my pain. I won't let him have the fun.

"I've hurt more than you." He twists my arm further, and I let out a desperate whimper, which doesn't relent.

"I've killed more than you." I don't doubt it.

He leans in close, his breath fanning against my face. "I've fucked more than you." 

"You wouldn't know!" I yell out suddenly. He lets me go, but doesn't move away.

"I know more about you than you think Mara. I can smell your innocence," he purrs viciously.

I feel tears form at the back of my eyes, but I stop myself. I am not weak. I have to refrain from rubbing the sore part of my arm, which still aches from Kaden's relentless pushing.

"I know you love your family, so don't doubt for a second that I won't bring them here, and kill them before you," he mutters. He pulls away, finally giving me some space to breathe.

He circles me. "But not before taking you first."

"You're sick," I spat. He laughs.

"Better save you for your husband."

He flicks my hair up. I gather it back and hold it over my shoulder.

"What kind of brother would I be if I taught you how much pleasure you could have with me, compared to him?" he says, his voice elated.

I don't say anything. I'm scared he will actually kill my parents. A horrible daughter I would be if I got them killed because of my smart mouth. Kaden notices this.

"I see you've gotten my point. Wouldn't want your parents to join mine in hell," he says. I look up at him. I knew his parents were dead, but the way he said it was as if he couldn't care less.

"They are great people," I say under my breath. I didn't expect him to her, but he did.

"And so were you. Until you decided you wanted to run away and marry Kace, your long lost lover," Kaden says, explaining the situation I was meant to go along with to me. It makes my heart sink.

It dawns on me what he means by this. "Is that why you picked me? Because you knew I wasn't afraid of you?"

He smiled, and gave me a short nod. "And look how the tables have turned."

I hate him. I truly, deeply despise the man in front of me.

"Now, time for you to head to bed. Shall I accompany you to you room?" He asks, suddenly polite. He holds his arm out for me to link mine around. With my parents lingering in the back of my mind, I do so, and walk off with him.


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~Midika 💜🐼

Alpha Kaden | ✔️ (Published)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora