Glacial Flow- Freak Week Ch. 7 #WritingWithGrace

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Dear Robo Diary, 

I'm finally safe to start writing in you again. Lester is within sight and doesn't seem to be as interested in destroying me anymore. Not that he could if he tried... Let me catch you up on everything that has happened. During Banana's speech, the candy world disappeared and the entire world outside seemed to be completely iced over-it looked like a huge glacier outside. However, we quickly discovered that this phenomenon also caused everyone to move in slow-motion, at a glacial pace. Ironic, not only because of the painful word-play, but also because glaciers hadn't existed in the past two years due to global warming. Anyways, I couldn't spend much time pondering this, since soon after we had entered the auditorium, we saw that Lester was holding the device that controlled the satellites. We ran, err, attempted to run to catch him and recover the device, but had no such luck.

"I'll get him," Mr. K screamed, as he held his honey gun. He proceeded to start to pump up the water gun filled with honey, but gave up when, after a few minutes, he was only able to slowly pump it once. 

"I can't believe even your illogical attempt to stop me with honey has failed," laughed Lester. "Face it, Freak Week is here to stay, and it's because of what you did to me, Jim." 

"What I did?" asked Jim. "Excuse me? All I ever did was try to secure the future of the planet for everyone." 

Lester started "Except that you dumped me.  I wanted and needed to talk to you again. You see, you were the one who knew the inner workings of our plan the best. I knew how committed you were to global warming, so I had to be drastic to get your attention. I decided to increase the effects of global warming, hoping you would try to fight it and I'd be able to draw you back to me. And in a way, it worked. We're stuck together in the same room right now. So let's talk."

And now here we are, Robo-D. We've spent the past few hours since Lester's confession sitting and talking in the auditorium. There's not much else to do, as it took me a whole five minutes to walk the ten yards from the entrance of the auditorium to the chair I am currently sitting it. No one can even get close to Lester and the device. I now know how snails feel, and let me tell you, if reincarnation is a thing, I do not want to be a snail in my next life. 

 "I wish I could kick Lester where the sun don't shine, but we're moving slower than molasses today-and I might be ok with that, after the candy giving us a sweet attack yesterday", Marmie says. "Come over here, and I'll  give you a sweet attack," quips Harry, as Marmie smiles and rolls her eyes. Man, Freak Week sure has done a number on Harry. 

"Jim, we've got to figure out a way to stop Lester," I plead. "You said earlier you know how to end Freak Week for good. Now would be a great time to let us all in on this plan." 

Jim explains: "Once we have the device, Crush can stop Freak Week and I can get to work disabling manual intervention on the device to stop Freak Week for good. You see, I just need to calculate the angle of the sun to Jupiter and rotate the satellites perpendicular to this and...."

"I KNOW HOW TO END THIS!!" Banana suddenly screams and cuts Jim and his science ramblings off. We all look over to her. "A rap battle," she says matter-of-factly. 

"WHAT?!?" everyone else says with confused looks. 

"Look Banana, I know how much you love rap, but, this is not the answer to any of the problems we are currently facing," Marmie says. 

"Marmie, it is the answer to every problem we are facing," Banana says. "Well, that might be an exaggeration. But, why can't it be a solution? All we've done today is talk in circles and we've gone nowhere, figuratively or literally. I say we speed things up and find a solution to Freak Week once and for-all: In a winner-take-all rap battle to decide the fate of the planet's future." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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