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Year: sometime back in the late late 1980's or early 1990's

Just thinking about the strobe lights were hurting my head. Why did they want to go to the club to celebrate was beyond me.  I slid in my golden silky dress and stared at the reflection. I looked tired and haggard.

"Beautiful. You look absolutely stunning my love." A pair of warm arms slid around my waist and pressed a moist kiss at the base of my throat.

I should have felt something. Anything. At the very least, happiness right? I felt numb. I felt the slight twinge of annoyance.


I sat at the bar waiting for my boyfriend to come back. I was half tempted to leave without him.

"Loud huh?"
I tuned around to see one of the people my boyfriend and I arrived with. The sparkles in his blue eyes made my breath catch  in my throat. How could one man be so beautiful?

He pulled my stool closer to his and our thighs touched. My mind was buzzing and it was more then just the couple of shots I had been consuming.

"I'll wait here with you until your date comes back."

So we waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.

I have given up on my boyfriend showing. That was no problem for me. In the last hour, I learned so much about Jasper. He liked the color red, he played the cello and trumpet. He likes to have two toothbrushes.

After the 5th round of vodka, I was laughing and giggling about a goat.

"You have nice dimples" I giggled and poked Jasper's face. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Well you're not so bad yourself."

Those blazing eyes of Jasper's seemed to be calling to me. I knew this was more then a drunken mistake. Jasper intrigued me.
I leaned in closer to him until his breath was fanning my face. "Well are you gonna kiss me Jasper?"

"The only kissing you'll be doing, is me!" For the third time this night, a pair of thick muscular arms drew me back. 

I spun around to see the fuming face of my boyfriend. Or shall I say, soon to be ex. He climbed on top of  Jasper and began to punch him.

"You son of a bitch! I go to the bathroom and see you cozying in on my girl!"

I saw my boyfriend assault the man who I grew  strong feelings for in the past hour. My eyes were stuck on the scene that was playing out in front of me. A crowd was quickly forming and drunken hoots were heard. I was a coward but a I had to stop this madness. God damn it! Why wasn't Jasper fighting back?

"Stop! Before you hurt him!" I wrapped my arm around my boyfriend. He started to shrug me off until he saw it was me. His expression softened immensely and he quickly stepped away from the broken Jasper. He spared him one last look of disgust before leaving the scene.

"Baby."  My boyfriend tried to soothe me but all I felt was white hot flashing anger. Something in me snapped.

"Get away! We're done!"  I stormed away from my ex and cradled Jasper's head in my lap. Tears were streaming down my face. "Oh god...I'm so sorry. Someone! Anyone! Call an ambulance!"

Tears splashed on Jasper's face and he cracked an eye open, as much as he could with it swelling to the size of a baseball.

"It's okay. It's-" His sentence was paused as he started hacking and his body was shaking with coughs.

"It's all my fault oh god." I felt so tremendously guilty. I saw my ex boyfriend walk to me and I spat in his direction. He was such a monster.

"Jasper. Jasper hey, stay with me please." I grabbed his hand as I waited for the emergency services to arrive.


same year

I received a letter in the mail.

Dear Son,
By the time you get this, I would have been executed by now. Avenge my wrongful death. Don't let them get away with this. Be the 10 plagues in their life. Be their worst nightmare. Whatever it takes. Make me proud.

-your father

I crumbled the letter in my hand. Tears were freely flowing down my face. My father dead. And I knew exactly who caused it. He told me to avenge him. Avenge him I would. Now was no time for mourning. I would mourn later. Now was the time for revenge.

A sick sadistic smile twisted itself on my face. They would never see it coming. I picked up my phone. A few calls would have to be made.

They always said a scorned woman was the worst. What about a jealous, revengeful, bitter man?

Into the shadows-Zayn Malik Where stories live. Discover now