Chapter 1

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Igneel let out a great sigh of relief knowing his end was near. Memories of his son Natsu flashed before him as his fire tear formed, he was an old dragon and smiled as he let it fall. It hit the ground releasing his auma, and breathed his last. Igneel was no more. His last thoughts were proud ones and if his son could see them he would be both honoured and heart broken. For fucks sake! Why does my favourite character always die! Damn it !!! She exclaimed throwing the book. It landed on the flow with a loud bopdop! Fuck! Somebody's gonna come and scream at me now! "What are you doing up there?! I told you to go to bed!!" Yelled my mom from downstairs. "Umm... I was trying to er.... get my... water..?" I replied trying to sound casual. It didn't work. "It sounded like you had thrown something from down here what were you doing?" There was loud thumping from the stairs CRAP!!! I quickly shoved my torch on the shelf under my bed and put the water on the floor as if it had been knocked down and got into a laying but propped up on my belly position. Just in time I thought to myself as the door opened. I stealed a quick glance ar the clock and it said it was only five past nine. Five past nine for Gods sake, FIVE PAST NINE!!! I am soo screwed... SHUT UP BRAIN NOW IS NOT THE TIME!!! My mom looked around the room suspiciously as if she would find something, and of course she did. "Why is this book just slung on the floor?"
"I don't know, why don't you ask it?" I replied knowing I was extra screwed as soon as the words left my mouth. "Excuse me..? Who do you think you're talking to!?" Now you've done it. I don't remember asking for your opinion, and I KNOW! "You're grounded for another week. No youthy and no anime. Go to bed." No anime my ass. I'd rather die than miss it. Friends I don't see often and senpai goes. So er, KISS MY ASS!!! I then proceeded to stick my middle fingers up at the floor where I knew she was sat.

Hey guys it's Foxy (the auther) here. I hope you have enjoyed this book so far! And yes, Alex is an otaku so expect some Japanese nonsense. And for those who watch anime, don't worry I won't put spoilers I'm merely using the characters names. And yes, this story is based on my life but not all of these events will be real. Please tell me what you think and hopefully I won't get a writers block XD

See ya next time,

~Foxy ^▼^

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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