"I'm just thinkin'." He mumbled and I looked at him. He's face had too many emotions to tell what he was thinking.

"You think a lot." I told him and he just nodded his head, then looked over at me. Then he got up and went over to the ladder.

"Stay here, I'll be back." He said quickly and then he went down the ladder. I then shrugged my shoulders and sat where he was sitting, waiting for him. I looked over at the puppies and they were all curled up with each other in a big fur ball. I then saw Tyler come up from the corner of my eye and he looked at me and smiled slightly, then I noticed what he was holding. It was a gutiar, he haves a gutiar? "Ya, know what this is right?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"It's a gutiar." I told him and he nodded his head and sat down next to me, but not close. He then played a few strings and looked at me. "Do you know how to play?" I asked and he grinned.

"Yay, here's one song." He said then he started to play the gutiar again but I don't know the song. Then he started to sing, " All my life I've been stuck here/ a little old town in the middle of nowhere/ I've never seen the city/ nor those fancy little sport cars." He stopped and inhaled a breath. Then he play a string before looking at me. "I don't know, if I should continue." He said and I looked at him shocked. He's voice was like perfect, better then the kids who sang at the talent show in my school last year!

"Continue, please." I said and he looked at me weird before nodding his head.

"But all I've had done here/ is too important to leave behind/ like my crazy old dad/ my carefree mum/ little Miss. Heather and Dixie, are dog/ I don't know much of this world/ but maybe a few things/ though........" He stopped again and wiped he's eyes, wait he's crying. He sat the gutiar next to him, crossed his legs and had his hands on his forehead.

"Tyler?" I asked quietly and he looked at me and he had some tears going down his cheeks.

"I miss her so much." He said and he looked down at his feet before wiping his eyes again.


"Heather, my little sister, my girl." He said barely a whisper, and I kept looking at him. He mentioned Heather in his song, that's why he's crying. I felt so bad for him, I looked at him for a second before moving over a bit and hugged him. I might not care about things but when I see someone, I know cry it just hurts me for some reason. "She died four years ago, would of been nine this year." Tyler mumbled and I looked at him. He looked so hurt and depressed, unlike the way he was a few minutes ago.

"How did she die?" I asked and he exhaled a breath and then flopped over onto his side. Ok, weird?

"It hurts when I think 'bout it." He said and I moved so I was looking at his face, his eyes where closed and he was singing something to himslef that I couldn't make out. "Kim, she died from a bear attack." He said and I stared at him shocked, a bear attacked his little sister! "She was five years old! Five, and she got attack by a bear!" He said and then he moved a bit so he was now on his back staring up at the ceiling. "All because of a game." He said closing his eyes and I looked over at the puppies quick then back at him.

"What game?" I asked moving over to him again so I was right next to him and he sighed running his hand through his hair. Then he turned his head over to me.

"A silly, but now a scary game to me." He then sat up and looked over at the gutiar that was laying there. "Hide an Seek." He added and I nodded my head. We sat there for about ten minutes not talking or doing anything, that was intill I felt something touch my side. I looked over about to jump but notice it was just the brown puppy looking at me with it's head tilted to the right a bit. Huh, that reminds me of when I first saw Tyler in the woods. He's head tilted to the right a little.

"You are cute." I said while picking it up and petting it. The puppy barked, but it was tiny and it didn't sound like a real bark. I notice Tyler look over at me and the puppy and smile slightly. "You've been quiet for ten minutes now." I told him and he just shrugged his shoulders. He must still be thinking about his little sister, I guess. I kept looking at the puppy and then at Tyler and can up with an evil plot. Maybe this plan will get him to stop thinking about her. After another ten minutes he was again leaning against a haybale with his hands now behind his head and his eyes were closed. I slowly got up and went over him with the puppy still in my hands, I waved my hand over his face and he didn't move. I smiled and held out the puppy close to his face. The puppy sniffed a few times and then started to lick Tyler's nose. I kept smiling as the puppy licked his face. Then Tyler opened his eyes and jumped when he saw the puppy that close to him.

"What the heck!" He yelled and I bursted out laughing holding the puppy close to me. "Was it lickin' my face!?" He yelled again and I kepting laughing, this was sooo funny!!

"Yay!" I said answering his question and he glared at me.

"Ya are askin' for pay back." He said and I rolled my eyes as I managed to stop laughing. I then felt the puppy being taken away from me and I sat up quickly and Tyler gentaly placed the puppy close to Dixie and then turned to me. "Ya owe me." He said and I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"And what do I owe you?" I asked crossing my arms and he waved his hand telling me to come over to him. I shook my head playfully and he glared at me. "Your not my parents." I said with a grin and he chuckled.

"Come here, please." He asked and I laughed a little. "Fine then." He said and he came over and pulled me up with ease. "Ya owe me." He whispered and I shook my head.

"What do I owe you?" I asked again and he smirked.

"How 'bout this." He whispered and I felt his arms go around my waist and he came closer to me. My heart started to race and I felt warm, but mostly on the cheeks.

"Tyler, I'm not kissing you." I said and he looked at me with his head tilted to the right.

"What makes ya think that?" He question and I stared at him annoyed.

"You have to be kidding right?" I asked and he shook his head. Then he moved closer to me but then stop

"Naa, I'm kiddin'!" He said laughing then he moved away and went over to the puppies and picked up the brown one.

"Your weird." I said crossing my arms and he turned to face me. He was looking at me with an evil grin and he was petting the puppy in an evil way.

"Naa, I'm not weird." He said evilly and then he did this evil laugh that was pretty good but it scared the puppy. He then notice the puppy and stopped. "I'm only kiddin' like guy." He said to the puppy and then puppy licked his face again.

"I'm starting to like that puppy!" I said laughing and Tyler looked up at me annoyed.

"Don't make me sell him in another country." Tyler said and I looked at him shocked. No, you can sell that fur ball! In some countries they actually eat dogs!

"I hate you." I mumbled crossing my arms and he laughed, and then mumbled something and I couldn't hear him.

One more day after this and I'll be back in the city I lived in all my life.


and the forth chapter is done.....SO PLEASE C.F.A.V.P............yay know Comment Fan And Vote Please. :{D

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