What is Love?

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You sat in camp the next few days while recovering even though you insisted you were fine. You tought about your dream.
It was a dteam. Nothing more, nothing less. Why do I feel so strange then! I don't need love! I don't... Do I? Even if I do I don't deserve it! I'm not even a true clan cat! Why Starclan? Why are you so cruel? Why Crowfeather? He deserves someone nicer then me. He loved Feathertail... Until she died. Right? He loved her didn't he? Ugh! Why is it so confusing? And why does love have to hurt so much? I had a brother I loved. And my heart hurts. I can remember him. I hate love!
You growled as you thought. You stomped out of camp, not caring if anyone saw you. You ran through the fields of Windclan quickly.
You where in an area with more shrubs and jumped over a bush, flying through a tree with flowers and bowling into someone.
Groaning, you opened your eyes to see shocked blue eyes.
You growled inwardly recognizing Crowfeather.

 Then you realized your (n/c) was pressed against his black nose

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Then you realized your (n/c) was pressed against his black nose.
(pffft akward...)
You felt heat rush to your face and jumped back in surprise, out of your position on him.
Your heart pounded wildly as you raced off in embarrassment. You heard him jump to his paws and race after you, calling your name.
You pounded forward faster and pushed your speed to its max as you raced through the territory. But Crowfeather was just as fast, maybe faster. You smelled the border of Thunderclan and skidded to a hault only to be knocked over by Crowfeather who was late to stop.
You panted as you stood a few tail lengths away from him, he was also catching his breath. He sat and looked up at the sky as his breathing slowed.
Yours did too and you got rid of the tenseness in your muscles.
Well. Its now or never. If I test out my theory that he loves me then it will be settled what he thinks. Well here goes my courage... And my ego.
You finished that thought as you walked up to Crowfeather, standing next to him. He glanced at you suspiciously out of the corner of his eye before returning his gaze on the darkening sky.
You took a deep breath before leaning in closer and (I'm dieing right now) placing a long lick on his cheek (i dunno if cats have cheeks). He noticeably bristled as you watched his reaction through slitted eyes. He then laid his fur flat.
"Wh-what? Wh-huh? Why? Y-you? Huh?" you had to hold back your laughter as he studdered uncontrolably and you noticed the pink dusting his ear tips as he searched for words.
You finally gave up and giggled.
Eww did I just... Giggle?
He stopped "why are you laughing?!" he hissed
"I was testing you." you replied.
"Testing me? On what!"
"Well... I wanted to see just how deep your feelings for me were."
He stared at you like you had just grown a second head.
"Well... You could have just asked!"
"But would you have answered honestly?"
"Well... No..."
He stared at the ground now as you grinned.
"What. What did you say to me the night we fell asleep under that tree by Thunderclan territory?"
He was silent before answering "what do you think I said?"
"Well... My dreams tell me you said you loved me but I find that hard to-"
"Your dreams aren't wrong."
You were shocked into silence as you let it sink in.
"Oh... Well then.... I guess I can return those feelings." you mewed
He looked up at you in shock.
You purred and leapt at him.
"Y/n. I do love you" he purred
"I love you too." you puured
(aww but hang in there folks, its not over yet!)

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