Chapter 1

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It has been a week. A week that they took Jessabelle. A week that I was now responsible of a baby who I had no idea who he belonged to. A week that I have been on stupid drugs to take out whatever was in my body. A week that I met Ramirez and his friends.

Its also been a week since I have had clothes that actually fit me.

"Why can't I go to the mall? I need clothes my size. Darren's sister's clothes do not fit me. They are way too small. I'm eighteen, not a twelve year old. Hector also needs clothes," I whined as I followed Ramirez around the kitchen as he tried to make his lunch. I offered to make it, but he told me he didn't want me to do it. His loss, I make some bomb food.

"And I promise we will go soon, but just not right now. It's too risky right now. You are just going to either survive with shirts and shorts too small and my sweatpants along with my t-shirts. Macias will be here any minute with his sister."

I prevent the urge to groan, but he catches my stare and notices my look of annoyance.

"She's a good girl, Mia. She just has good intentions."

"I can say that about some other kids too, but they weren't who they actually were. There is no such thing as a good person. Someone always has intentions with the person and I just happen to think you just want me so you can capture that Julio Villanueva guy," I snapped at him and he doesn't even try to deny it. He takes a step towards me and I immediately take one back, but one hand latched onto my wrist and kept me close.

"I won't deny your comment because it is true. But I don't think for one second that you want something from me either. Now be a good girl and be nice to Macias's sister," He warned and I would have punched him if I didn't have Hector in my arms.

Three knocks on the door and He steps away from me, clearing his throat. "Come in!"

Ramirez's friend Macias comes in with his ever so charming smile and a girl who looked obviously younger than I did behind him, and behind her a male who was older than her and possibly me.

"Beautiful Mia how is thou this morning? I hope great since I am now here. Luis, when are you going to get the poor girl clothes? She looks like a homeless person with that dress shirt and possible shorts beneath. Anyways Mia this is my younger sister Robin, and the guy behind her is her best friend Damon or Damian. I don't know and personally I don't care," Macias said as he pulls me in for a hug before kissing my cheek. I narrow my eyes as he tried to grab Hector, but I kick him and step away.

The rudeness was coming from the drugs that were currently in a small bag which had a needle in my skin, all hidden by the messenger bag Ramirez bought me. Or my personality. Either way I was being cruel.

I didn't want anyone near him or even touch him. The only reason Ramirez could hold him was because he is giving me shelter, a place to shower, a place to eat, and a place that has a bed. Plus he was sometimes nice to me.

"Hi," The girl quietly said as she looked up from her phone and looked at me.

She had these grey eyes that were slightly on the darker side, but looked beautiful. Like the clouds before a nasty storm. Her raven black hair almost resembled a dark blue or purple and looked soft to touch as it fell out of the French braid. The pale skin made her eyes and her hair pop out.

"Why do I have to stay? I won't be bothering you at your-"

My legs gave out from beneath me and everything that was in my line of vision went dark. I couldn't see a danm thing and I could feel a headache coming on. I was screwed now. Hector wouldn't be in my care.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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