[Poll..?] VERY Important Questions Regarding A Future Series!

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Hi guys, RealMelodyHope here! I have some very important questions for you guys to answer. This is key for an upcoming series, and it will be Pokémon themed!!! Here they are!

If Ash was a Pokémon, what would he be?

-Pikachu (Cannon in the anime)
-Riolu (Same aura as Sir Aaron, has manipulated aura)
-Froakie (Bond with Greninja)
-Aipom (Commonly described as one)

Same, but Serena?

-Fennekin (Braixen on her team)
-Eevee (Eevee/Sylveon on her team, performs beautifully)
-Furfrou (Style [IDK.. random thought... just came to me.. :-)])
-Any Fighting or Fire type? (Determination, her burning passion for performing)

Okay, what about Clemont?

-IDEK. Suggestions?

Finally, Bonnie.

-Suggestions, anybody?

This will be very helpful in making my second part to my series. If you haven't figured it out by now, the second part is PMD! (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon) Please comment on your answer, and if you have any better ideas than I have, feel free to choose those!

Thank you so much!

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