Chapter 28 The Secret's Behind The Door (pt.2)

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Then I had an idea. So I grabbed the envelope and the letter and I rushed out the door. As I ran out the door of the mansion, Virgo asked me, " Princess, where are you going? " 

I didn't even look back at her, I just kept on running. Tears were still in my eyes. " Don't worry! *Sniff* I'll be back. " I replied, still running. 

I ran all the way to the river. I sat near the river. Still crying. I ripped the envelope and I just stared at the letter. Then I took the letter and I folded it into a paper boat. Then I stood up and I placed it on the water. I sat back down. I stare at it as it slowly moves across the river. I curled up into a ball. I cried even more, as I thought about my mom. 

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Then I hear someone's voice calling out to me, " Lucy? What are you doing here? " His voice sounded so familiar. But whose? I slowly looked up. I opened my eyes and it was Natsu

" *Sniff, Sniff* I should ask the same about you? *Sob* " I said, as he sat next to me. 

" Well, I asked you first so... " He said, staring at the river. 

I wiped a few of my tears with my hand and then I said, " *Sniff* Well, I read a note that my mom gave me. Then I ran here. Turned the letter into a paper boat. And stuff... *Sob* You? " 

" I see. I just wanted to go on a walk and I happened to see you here. So here I am. " He said. 

" Your such a jerk you know that, right? *Sniff* " I teased. 

" Yeah, I know. You don't have to tell me twice. " 

" *Sob, Sob* N-N-N-Natsu...I'm *Sniff* so sorry for everything. *Sniff* It's all for fault. *Sob* " I said, hugging him. 

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Natsu's P.O.V

Huh? Wait, did she just said sorry to me? And is she hugging me? Well, then. ;) Score 1 for me! =) I smiled. But then when I looked at Lucy, she was still hugging me and it seemed like she really meant it. I smiled again, as I hugged her back. " Don't say that. It's all my fault okay. " I said. 

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