A Lonely Sky-Chapter Three

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Kim and Julia tiptoed down the old hotel cement steps to the outside door.

Julia tried not to laugh. Dressed in black jeans and a matching hooded sweatshirt, she felt more like a bandit than a high school graduate attempting fun on the town. She had to admit, however, their escape went beautifully. Mrs. O’Brien, their chaperone, had closed her door and turned out her bedroom light early, and as soon as the girls heard her window-rattling snore, they rose from their beds, dressed quickly and slipped out the door.

Following close behind Kim, Julia kept her head bent to shield the rain from her eyes. She could only see Kim’s feet, but she ran after as Kim followed the directions Bob gave them. When they reached their destination, they found the boys waiting by the tavern entrance.

Kim grabbed Julia’s arm and stopped Julia short of joining the boys. “Oh God, it’s Chris.”

“Kim, you knew he was coming. Why the sudden surprise?  I’m getting rained on. Come on. Let’s go and get this over with.” Wet and nervous, Julia took Kim by the sleeve and walked over to the guys.

“Where’s everyone else?” she said. “Inside?” A chill ran up her spine as Bob grinned.

“Everyone else chickened out,” he said. “We’re it.”

“I’m leaving.” She pulled Kim to the side. “I knew this wasn’t going to work. Now what?  No one else came!  I’m going back.”

Kim’s face filled with panic. “Oh God, no Jules!  You can’t. This is the perfect set up. I’ll have Chris to myself without the others around. You just need to keep Bob occupied for me.”

“Are you out of your mind?  I’m supposed to entertain geeky Bob in a pub? I’m risking my entire trip and also my dad’s wrath, and for what? So you can get five minutes with Chris?”

“Yes. You know how much this means to me.”

Julia looked from her imploring friend back to the guys. Tall, lanky and pimply Bob smiled. She wanted to vomit.

“It’ll be like a double date,” Kim pleaded.

“You’re not helping your case,” Julia said, but sighed. She knew how long Kim had crushed on Chris. How could she deny her best friend this opportunity? “Okay. We’ll go for a half-hour, and then we hightail it back to the hotel.”


Julia plastered on a half-hearted smile as they rejoined the guys. “Okay, I’ll go.”

“Cool!” Chris opened the door and the four of them walked into the tiny, medieval looking pub.

Julia stepped out of the rain into the warmth of the dimly lit tavern. Red sconces hung on stone walls emitting soft light throughout the small room. She followed her friends down three stone steps to the main floor where several wooden tables sat. Vinyl cushioned booths lined the walls, and on the left, a long bar adorned the north wall. Patrons sat talking softly, drinking tall ales and eating from plastic baskets lined with red and white checkered paper. A few more people nursed drinks at the bar.

“I’ll order,” Bob offered. “Beer all around?”

Chris seemed game for alcohol. Kim and Chris hesitated at first, but then agreed. Julia realized someone would have to keep their wits and ordered a Coke.

“Suit yourself,” Bob said. “You guys, go pick a table.”

She followed Kim and Chris towards a corner booth. Chris settled in, flanked by Kim, leaving Julia to sit opposite them and unhappily next to Bob. He returned, carrying a tray of drinks. He slid in next to Julia, distributed the beverages and raised his stein. “Here’s to Europe and it’s fine hospitality!”

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