Ruby laughed maniacally.

"You should see the stupid look on your face!" She smiled, "Don't ever doubt my powers!" She warned.

"What are you?" Billy finally asked.

"I'm a witch." She said, matter-of-factly.

"No witch can do that."

"Ok fine! You caught me!" She played along as she circled us. "I'm not an illusionist. I'm real.... And you're both about to die." She said.

I took this moment to run. If I can just make it to the neighbor's house, I could maybe get the police here. Billy would just have to wait. Before I even made it two steps, however, Ruby appeared in front of me. I heard Billy gasp and I turned around.

Ruby was behind him, holding him up and putting pressure on his injured arm and shoulder. I turned back and Ruby was in front of me smiling. There were two Ruby's. 

"It took me forever to be able to do this," Said one of the Ruby's.

The Ruby in front of me grabbed my arm and pulled me back beside Billy. I'm guessing the original Ruby was the one standing off the side, smirking.

"This really is too easy." 

"Wait!" Billy said.

"What?" She asked annoyed as she took out a dagger.

"Don't I get a last request?"

"NO!" She aimed fire at him. 

Billy flipped the Ruby behind him, over him and used her as a shield. She burned up instantly and disappeared.

"Clever." Ruby stated, "But I'm running out of time, so we'll fight, but after I kill Kat, hmm?" She made her way to me.

I tried to move but the Ruby holding me had a death grip on me.

"Kitty, this won't hurt much. Just relax." She said, staring into my eyes.

I felt Ruby's grip loosen and then leave me. I tried to run but was frozen. I looked down. Ruby had managed to make vines wrap around my legs. I couldn't move.

"Ruby! Please, you don't want to do this."

"Kitty.... you don't know what I want. So please shut up and just die."

"You're only doing this because it's part of the spell. But you don't have to. You said so youself. Just because there are rules doesn't mean you have to follow them."

"Oh, Kitty. You're right. I'm not going to kill you." 


"I'm going to send you to hell."

Ruby lifted up into the air as she chanted. I looked over to Billy. He looked scared and I knew hope was over. But then Billy ran. I smiled as he made his way across the lawn, but then my smile faded as he ran behind the house. He ditched me.

"Stupid...." I said to myself.

"Heartbroken are we?" Ruby said, finally landing a few feet away from me. 

"Shut up." I said, clenching my teeth.

"Well, are you ready?"

"... Why don't you just kill me?"

"Because that's not the deal." 

Suddenly, Ruby was engulfed in light. My eyes widened as I followed the beam. It was Billy and he had the staff aimed at him.

"How?" I asked going to him.

"When I made one of the Ruby's vanish, I took her pendant without the original knowing." He smiled.

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