Epilogue: Knots Untie

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Epilogue: Knots Untie

The streets of Tokyo were full as ever, even the small districts circulating with life. A small bookshop in the main road was buzzing with life with a small line peeking out of its door, attracting the attention of the mere passengers. The persons in the line were chatting freely, their excited hands grabbing tightly the books they were holding.

A person was signing the books which were being given to him and was exchanging some words with the persons of the line. A sign was placed in front of the desk he was sitting from behind which contained a picture of the same books he was signing and bold letters saying "Behind the Cover".

"Thank you so much, Kuroko-sensei!"

A teenage girl skipped off happily after her book was signed by the male who simply gifted her a smile and looked at the next person in the line. Kuroko Tetsuya hadn't felt his heart beat so fast before and utter happiness was filling his whole body. After ten years of publishing his first book online, he could proudly stand there and watch as readers of his newly-published novel were coming for an autograph or an exchange of words. 

After many hardships, countless sleepless nights, Kagami's support and huge amounts of coffee, he had managed to accomplish his dream. Finally.

Another book was passed in front of him and he opened the front page, his pen ready in hand. "What shall I write?"

" 'I lived up to my dream because I never stopped believing. From Ao-san.' Seems suitable, no?"

Kuroko's heart stopped beating for a second at the sound of the old nickname and he looked up to have a better view of the person who was standing in front of him. His mind wasn't mistaken, it looked like she hadn't aged a day.

The male let his mouth hang open for a second before moving, "You-"

"Kurosawa Chiharu. Or Ino, if it's easier for you to say. Or even insomniac author, but now I'm just an author, heh," the girl chirped in front of him, her black hair bouncing on her shoulders as she shook her head. 

Kuroko couldn't help but grin in delight, the tears which were threatening to fall being sucked inside and instead, happiness pouring outside his whole body. "You're incredibly idiotic, Ino."

The girl simply made a peace sign and chuckled, her eyes brimming with tears as she stared at the male in front of her. Because she hadn't ended her life and her life hadn't ended her. She had fought, she had struggled and she could finally stand in front of the man who was once a boy. The boy who never let go of her and stood by her side no matter what. The boy who showed her his heart while she kept it sealed inside.

Now it was time for her to show him her own beating heart. Finally.

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