18 | Days Gone Bye

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- Chapter 18 -

Days Gone Bye

Kuroko was awake for the whole night, awaiting for a message from his friend. He had refreshed the page so many times he couldn't remember. He just kept his eyes open until the fatigue was too much for him and lulled him to sleep. 

The next thing Kuroko knew was Nigou licking his face which made him gasp awake with his heart beating as fast as ever. The anxiousness left him for one second and returned back, making him check the time.

11:35 a.m.

He forgot how to breathe for a moment and quickly turned on his computer again, his eyes staring at it nervously. The thumbnail which had replaced her profile picture choked him and he quickly clicked on her message.

InsomniacAuthor (3 hours ago): I'm sorry. I really am. I should have never dragged you into this, I should have kept silent, I shouldn't have burdened you. But I really don't regret befriending you. I don't regret writing on here, letting you make me laugh, showing me your doggo, making me feel happiness. You're the greatest friend I've ever had. I love you and appreciate you so much, you have no idea. I really can't leave you an explanation about all of this, about the messages I sent you last night. I confused you and I made you worry, I'm sorry. I believe in you, that you will become a great author. I hope we meet again. 

Kuroko hadn't even reached the end of the message and he was already crying. Tear droplets were falling on his keyboard and he felt more coming.

He couldn't understand why she wouldn't explain all of this to him. He couldn't understand what had happened at this moment and his mind was in a complete haze. Rather, he could understand but he couldn't realize that this was reality. Because she was a friend. A friend who left him with only a message. A friend who left him with spiteful bright red letters brimming above their conversation.

  The account InsomniacAuthor is closed. You can no longer send messages to them.  

//did I kill anyone? do you want to kill me? ha, goal accomplished. next up is the epilogue and the final author's note, see you there. dedicated to nicevibe because she's a bae and needs support//

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