Grandparents Babysit

Start from the beginning

"Urrr, i'll come" she says and slips on her shoes, we then head out to the car and start driving around. Another 25 minutes later he was finally asleep and we were home.

"So who's going to get him out then?" I chuckle as both of us didn't want to get him out.

"I will, but ill try to do it gently so hopefully I won't disturb him" she says as she gets out while I get the changing bag.

"Daddy" we then hear him mumble.

"Oh no" Carole whispers.

"Ok phew" she says as he was still asleep. We manage to take him inside and up into his room but...

"Daddy" he woke up sobbing.

"Carole, this might seem a little bit mean, but I think we're gonna have to put sleeping pills in his bottle" I explain but whisper the 'sleeping pills' so Blaine didn't hear, not like he would anyway over his screaming and crying for Kurt.

"We're going to have to, I mean I don't know what else to do he isn't settling down or anything" she sighs.

"Alright, ill go do it, um you can try his bouncy chair or his swing if we also gave him his bottle?" I question.

"Yeah we could do" she agrees as we walk downstairs with a still sobbing Blaine.

"In we go sweetheart" I hear Carole soothe as she attempts to put Blaine in his swing.

"No wan daddy" he sobbed.

"Sweetheart, he'll be back soon" she soothes as she bounces him around a bit and rubs his back.

"Bot bot?" he sobs as he reaches out for it.

"Here you go buddy" I coo and take of the cap off so he can drink his bottle. He soon started to go to sleep and Carole slowly lowered him into his swing and put it on a low setting as he was still drinking.

"Finally" we both sigh in relief as we sit down on the couch to watch TV and keep an eye on Blaine. After watching a bit of television, we then clear up a bit before lunch so when Blaine wakes up he can have lunch.

Soon Blaine wakes up just in time for lunch.

"Hey sweetheart" Carole cooes as she picks him up and out of his swing, making sure to turn it off.

"You want some lunch kiddo?" I ask.

"Eah" he nods tiredly. We take him to the kitchen and place him in his high chair.

"Here you go" I say as I place his sippy cup and a plastic plate of his lunch down onto his tray.

"Fank 'ou" he smiles as he starts to eat. We then eat our lunch, once finished we clear up and play for a little while.

"Shall we take Blaine out?" I ask.

"Yeah if you want, at least he won't be cooped up inside" she agrees.

"Ill get him dressed" I say as I stand up from the chair.

"Hey buddy, wanna get dressed and head out?" I ask him.

"Eah" he says and lifts his arms up to be picked up, ready to head upstairs.

"Ok do you wanna wear this?" I ask him as I picked out an outfit.

"Eah" he cheers. I change his nappy and then put him into his outfit. We head to the car and drive to the shops.

"Ok sweetie" Carole says as she gets him out while I get a trolley.

"In we get" she says once I brought it over.

"NO" he shouts and kicks his legs.

"Buddy, you've got to go in so we can get some new toys" I soothe.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now