Chapter 3 - The Reckoning

Start from the beginning

Pushing past the hoards of humanity as they fled in terror The Doctor made towards a main street. Fumbling in his pocket for his sonic screwdriver , he brought it out trying to get his bearings . A faint signal told him what he needed to know . The Doctor pressed himself against as wall shrinking into the darkness as an all too  familiar shape cast a shadow over the pavement. Rolling along the pavement the Daleks tinny staccato voices rang out  clear in the night. 

‘Humans are to be exterminated , the Earth is to be New Skaro’ 

The Doctor looked on appalled  

So that is their plan; but even they couldn’t do this on their own, not so quickly;  something or someone has helped them.

The Doctor quickly thought through  the possibilities , he knew of the members of The cult of Skaro but had thought none of the four had survived , certainly not Dalek Sec or Dalek Caan it was possible, he mused ,that the remaining two;  Dalek Thay or Dalek Jast had.  

Standing in the middle of the now  deserted  road  he looked heavenwards 

 What ever is happening, its source is from that ship , I need to get on that.

 Then  I can find out….. 

He made his way purposefully along the road past the empty shops and buildings he turned into a side street, walking along he’d almost   gone straight past the statue of the Weeping Angel but then he did a double take and whipping off his glasses as he approached to take a closer look. 

‘Oh .. ohh that’s it! That’s how they are doing it. They are getting you to send people out of time. The Daleks have got you lot on side  You’re working with them aren’t you?  . The stone creature remained still and impervious to him. 

Keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the creature The Doctor continued . 

‘What I don’t understand is why, what’s in it for you? I mean The Daleks .. they get Earth , a New Skaro  a chance to take over the universe again , but you ? Well they’ve just got you doing their dirty work for them ;and give you nothing in return. Well that’s fine if you’re happy with that.’

Sitting a little away from the angel he glared watchfully at it. 

‘Now, you see, that’s a problem for me. Because not only have you helped  threaten this planet in direct contravention of article 57. 3, clause 99 of The Shadow Proclamation; you have also hurt my friend; Donna Noble.  Nobody does that. Now perhaps we can start again, while you explain exactly what has happened to Donna.’

Still the angel remained unmoved, as the Doctor sat contemplating it carefully.  He jumped to his feet with a bound 

‘Oh , oh that is it, Oh I am so stupid . You haven’t just been sending these  people from Earth out of their own time , the Daleks  also got you to travel and bring the members of the Cult of Skaro back from before a time when they were all destroyed. Clever , very clever.’

Then the angel moved imperceptibly  , but The Doctor noticed ‘ Ahhhh! So I’m right , where are they now? On the ship?’

With that, the Doctor ran as fast as he had ever ran before, back to the TARDIS.  

Donna stirred as she slowly returned to consciousness , She moved her head slightly; wincing at the pain. After a few seconds she forced herself to open her eyes  focussing groggily at her surroundings. The room she was in was brightly lit but  bare ,save for a monitor whose screen undulated with different colours and shapes .She tried  unsuccessfully to sit up but then realised  with a shock that she was shackled by her arms  and legs to a padded  gurney . 

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