“Hello? Who is it?”

“It’s me Neveah dear.”

“Peter?” why was he calling and why did he want to speak to me? “Yes Dear.”

“What’s up?”

“Nothing is up girl. I just wanted to say sorry for my son. What he did was absolutely disgusting and I am sorry that I didn’t stop it.”

“It’s alright.”
“Really Nev?”

“Nope, but since he is your son, I’ll have to leave him alive.”

He chuckled and I laughed. It wasn’t his fault that he created that idiot.

“I’m still sorry.”

“It’s alright Peter.”  It was Ma who replied this time. “Goodnight Gina. Goodnight Nev.

Claire looked shocked by now. “Who is Easton to you?” She actually wants an answer after happened a few hours ago? She seriously looked serious so I answered, “Yesterday he was my project partner, someone who could be considered as a friend but as of now, he is the guy I hate.”

“No he must be something more.”

“He is nothing to me Claire, if you have finished, get out.”

“What did you say?” Claire looked shocked. Ma tried to stop me but I was tired of her shit and I need to get to bed soon which won’t happen if she is standing here.

“I said get out. You are the reason I was insulted today. Instead of entertaining the guests at you house, you simply dumped us somewhere. You don’t give a damn about me or my mother and frankly speaking I don’t care. I am tired, pissed and upset so I suggest for the third time to take your ass out of my house before I haul it myself.”

I took out all my frustration from before on her. She narrowed her eyes on me before glancing at Ma and left.

At Last!

“It is your decision now Brian, I won’t see my mother being insulted anymore. It’s your choice now.” I was currently speaking to Brian in the morning. Last night was bad.

He thought about for some time before replying, “I’ll speak to my mother.” “Fair enough.”

I didn’t want to go to school but I have to do the project so I had no other choice.

Things were bad at school. As soon as I entered the parking lot, everyone started whispering. Great! Now everyone knows what happened yesterday. Some girls shot me glares but I glared back at them. What is their problem? I didn’t try going to they’re house right?

This continued the whole day. Wherever I went, the whispers and name calling started. I was growing tired of it. Easton tried to talk to me before school started but I was too tired to speak to him. Even Melissa tried to coax me into speaking to him but sadly nothing worked.

The whole lunch period, he was staring at me. It was plain weird. After the bell, he was still sitting on his table thinking about God knows what.

I went to him and said, “Project discussion at five, my house. Don't be late."

I started to move when two arms encircled me from behind.

I squirmed but to no avail. "Listen to me, just listen." I stayed still and he continued.

"I am sorry for what I said yesterday. I was completely acting like an idiot and what I said was absolutely wrong. You have right to come in our, my house any time you time you want. I have no solid reason but I want you to forgive me."

"You finished Easton?"  I didn’t give a crap about his apology. I heard him say yes. I turned behind and punched him square in the gut.

"Never touch me Easton Dale and as for the forgiving part, go to hell!" I ran out of the café as fast as I could.

I waited for him after school. I was in the library while he had football practice. I had informed Melissa to inform Easton. He came out by 4.30.

We both didn’t say anything. He went to his while I went to mine. We reached my house soon. As I neared the door, I heard voices. It was Ma and Peter. Just as I was opening the door with my keys, I heard Easton behind me.

“I am not sad or embarrassed Peter. But what you’re son said would have definitely made Amy disappointed.”

I heard a rough exhale and as I turned behind, he was gone. His car was nowhere in sight. How did he move so fast?

I went in and said, “Easton heard the last part.”


I know It is short but the next part is interesting and if I start continue, it will be too long. Okay people gtg. Tutions ahead. 






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