Chapter 1: Your typical idiot

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It was the first day of Summer in the Great Land, and everything looked as beautiful as ever. All of the animals continued living happily as a crisp breeze flew through the air and the harsh sunlight spread throughout the Forrest of Freedom. A young orphaned dragon was sleeping in his cave, on his pile of gold and jewels which he had made extra uncomfortable for today. A single drop of water fell from a stalactite and our protagonist awoken.

The young dragon had stretched and yawned. "Aww yeah! This sure gets the old walking and grabbing worms good!"
The young dragon had walked out of the old den he called home and was partially blinded by the unforgiving sunlight. He winces in pain.
"Damn! This is why I hate going outside...... Oh well! Tarra Scales will destroy you giant ball of fire in the sky!"
After waking up, Tarra had decided to take a soak in the pond nearby as well as feast upon some frogs the just so happened to be in his area of vision. Later after that, our dragon had decided to run wildly throughout the fields as he caught small animals, snapping their necks and putting them in a large sack to roast and eat them later. Hours later, he had seen a strange looking man. This man was one fourth of Tarra's size, was covered in a cloak that was a drab rusty brown, and with skin the color of a tannish green vomit. The man just stared up at Tarra as he looked back confused and in a daze. This was until the mystery man finally decided to speak in a raspy voice-
Mysterious Man: "Hey Kid! You are looking perfect. Follow me and you'll get free candy and something even better too!"
Tarra shrugged. He pondered for the first time in years, but then quit after he almost immediately gained a headache for doing so. Thus, our scaly scatterbrain had followed the mysterious man who smelled of feet. Together, they walked for what Tarra considered for an eternity, but in reality was only half an hour.
Mysterious Man: "Here we are, Kid! I have a bunch of my friends waiting for us."
Tarra: "I would say that I don't understand this at all, but let me just follow what the narrator wants."
Me: "Leave me out of this you dumbass dragon."
After I had calmed down, Tarra had walked into a wall. Then he followed the mysterious munchkin inside of a giant tent. Inside he had seen hundreds of others who looked exactly like the vertically impaired man who looks like solid puke. They all began to shortly chant a chanting that apparently had done some stuff that undid some curse or barrier or something like that and awakened a giant mist of pure darkness as well as blood red as it had spread throughout the sky and a thunderstorm of blood fell down on the planet.
Mysterious Man: "Thanks Kid! Later!"
The mysterious man leaves with the hundreds of others like him as Tarra stands there in the bloodshed precipitation.
Tarra: "Well........... Shit!"

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