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I couldn't think straight for six and a half days.

my brain kept going over

and over

the same little details.

the ends of your hair,

the colour of your eyes,

and that pink floyd shirt.

I know it sounds ridiculous

but I couldn't think

of anything else.

my entire being was filled

with the thought of you.

jesus christ

I didn't even know your freaking name.

you never told me it.

even though we talked for five hours

and forty two minutes.

come to think of it

I don't think I told you my name either.

I guess maybe we realised that names

are only names

and really they don't tell you anything about a person.

they're just another label

we force onto ourselves.

or maybe it was just that we forgot to ask each other.

it was one fifty eight on friday night

when I realised that


I had to see you again.

because honestly

when was I ever going to meet another girl

who knew all my favourite bands

and wore a pink floyd shirt?

Authors note:

Yay for updates.

Votes and comments are greatly appreciated

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