Ashraf & Suri 0.19

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"Gini." Terdengar mak tarik nafas. "Mak Ashraf ada call tadi."
Jantungnya tiba-tiba terasa berdegup kencang. Okey. Patutnya tak pelik pun bila mak Ashraf call nak bercakap dengan bakal besan kan? Tapi kenapa dia berdebar lain macam? "Oh, dia cakap apa?"
"Hm." Mak tarik nafas lagi. "Su duduk kat mana tu?"
"Dalam bilik guru, mak. Kenapa?" Sungguhla pelik soalan-soalan mak aku ni.
"Mak Ashraf cakap kalau perlu mereka terbang mai, tapi..." Mak mengeluh pula.
Ya Allah, kenapa ni? "Mak, kenapa ni?" Sungguh. Dia dah tak mampu nak kawal degupan jantung dan fikirannya yang mula berserabut semula. "Ashraf datang sekali ke?"
Ni ke sebabnya? Nak buat surprise? Sebab tu buat senyap selama ni? Nak datang nikah terus ke ni?
"Ashraf..." Mak tarik nafas dalam. Suara pun dengar macam dah lain. Dan bila mak sambung ayatnya, tak sempat dia nak dengar habis satu ayat itu, telefonnya dah terlepas jatuh dari tangan yang tiba-tiba kebas.
Ya Allah, kenapa???

~ The time has come. And i'm writing this while biting my lips.
In accordance to what i wrote in the last entry of this story, 'Ashraf & Suri's huggable version', this story, re-titled 'Assalamualaikum Amna' will be published, soon.

So soon that my publisher has asked for me to edit a few entries here, since the huggable version won't be so much different from what i wrote here.

I'm sorry, dear kind readers, that i have to cut a few entries short, and turn them into teasers, instead.

I hope the story has been read with your full heart, that even when i've edited them out, you can still remember the meaning behind it.

Thank you so much for your time spent visiting this humble little 'house' of Ashraf and Suri.


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