ᴋ.ᴊᴏɴɢᴅᴀᴇ (ᴄʜᴇɴ)

Start from the beginning

Few Minutes Later

"Good Morning Sirs" Junmyeon-hyung's secretary greeted us as we walked in his office. He insisted me to wait at his office since I don't have paper works to handle this time.

"Baekhyun-ssi, bring the papers that will be discuss at the meeting later" He said to his secretary. Baekhyun just nodded and left the room. Minutes later, someone knock at the door.

"Come in" Hyung ordered. Oh! It's my secretary, Park Jimin.

"Good Morning Sirs, the meeting is about to start and all the board members are now at the conference hall" He said.

"We'll be on our way and Jimin, take all my things that I need for the meeting" He bowed and just like Baekhyun left the room.

"Come on" Hyung said and I followed him to the hall.

"Ah if it isn't Mr. Kim Junmyeon and Jongdae" Kim Seokjin, one of the board member. And unfortunately our cousin.

"Shut up Jin-hyung you're also a Kim" I said and he just laughed. There are 8 board members, me as the vice chairman and Junmyeon-hyung as the chairman. Oh and Taehyung and Minseok are included at the board.

"Shall we begin?" Mr. Zhang Yixing said and begun the meeting.

"Since Mr. Park Chanyeol filed his indefinite leave, we decide to hire a temporary adviser for us" Mr. Im Jaebum said. As cue, the new adviser came inside the conference hall.

"Good Morning, I'm Choi Aera" Her name, it sounds so familiar to me but I can't remember where or when I've heard that name. After she introduce herself she proceed on her proposals and after that they hand shake with her. When it's my turn, she presents a smile and so I did. When we hand shake, I felt sparks between our touch. I was bewildered from the sudden jolt on my heart.

"Uhm... Mr. Kim, you can let go now" She said.

"Oh, sorry" I apologize. She said it was fine and smiled. Damn! Now I know why she's familiar.

A e r a's / Y o u

When our skin touches each other, I felt giddy and my heart started to beat fast. Fast enough to beat a race car. But I restrain myself and reminded that this man in front of me broke my heart and there is no reason for it to beat for him.

"Ms. Choi, this will be your office for your stay here since Mr. Park's office isn't available, I do hope you enjoy your stay here" Baekhyun said as he guided me to my office. Well the office is big enough for me and its cool even though I was a temporary employee here they provided all an employee needs. I bid my thanks as he left.

I apply for this job not because Jongdae was here. My reason is I want to test my heart if I already moved on on him or not. But I guess it's the latter.

Three Months Later

On my past three months here at Kim Corporation, I've learn a lot from very single detail here. I gained my skills and also my social life here. I also heard a lot of gossips to Jongdae that he never dated any girl since her last girlfriend. I know that I shouldn't mind that but damn! I was happy when I've heard that although there is a doubt that I wasn't the last one.

"Oh! Aera!! Mr. Kim is going to treat us lunch so all of his employees are going" Irene said. She's my co-worker but my position is higher than hers.

"Sure, that sounds fun" I replied as I arranging my files.

T h i r d's

Both you and Irene went to the said restaurant near the office.

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