Star: "So, you ever be in school together before?"
Yin: "Yes, know I am promise will telling the story, with.... S.. Soap" *Still Blush* "It is Okey, Soap?"
Soap: "Sure, I can Tell. And This is not have any germs"
Yin: *Giggled* Yeah, So...That's was our First day in school, We ever meet again and we try to find any friends and there is how we Met each Other and in same Class"
Soap: "Yes, I am so Surprise you can be in my class, When you not in that school, Trophy Is a stupid Jock and always popular with a girls, but I'm not. I glad that I meet with a boy that very Funny and nice, and they are cute when they argue, Yin and Yang"
Yin: *Blush*
Yang: *Blush too*
Tune: "?"

The story is start in the morning day, this is first day school, they must in there on 08.00am. But Yang Not get up yet, and Yin try His best to wake His Brother.
Yin: "Yang! Wake Up! This is first day in school!"
Yang: "noo...I don't want to school...."
Yin: "You Must Wake Up!!"
Yang: "Five... minutes.... more"
Yin: "But we must There on 8!"
Yang didn't listen and keep sleep,Than Yin have an Idea.
Yin: "Don't make me tickle you again, bro~"
Yang suddenly Get up : "FINE!ANYTHING BUT THAT"
Yin giggled to Yang Reaction.

Than they are get the breakfast.
BGB: "So, ready in your first school?"
Yin: "Oh yes! I can't wait!"
Yang: "Yeah... I guess?"

Than after they breakfast, the school bus is waiting them and they going school. When they Arrive, they are surprise looking their school.That was big and large.
Yin: (Yin read the school sign) The... School... of.... objects"
Yin: "The School Of Objects! This is our School"
Yang: "Yeah... I didn't think Our school will like this"
Than They are enter inside school, there are so many Objects(or people) everywhere, than Yin-Yang look the soad Machine.
Yin: "Well, I'm little thirst.... I want Some Water, how about you Yang?"
Yang: "I want Dr. Fizz , I guess"
Yin: "Why? Water is make our body pure"
Yang: "I just Hate Water, that's Why, and water just for a losers, Like you!"
Yin: "Whatever, why you not just Take Dr.Fizz and I take Water?"
Yang : "Good choice"
And than, Yin take Water and Yang Take Dr. Fizz :p
Than suddenly Yang Bumping with a glass of milk people is Running around
???: "Ouch! Woof~ sorry"
Yang: "Hey!Just Look when you are going!"
milky: "Sorry!My name is Milky, I just in hurry! Bye!" She just Introduced her self and go.
Yang: "Weird"
Yin: "C'mon Yang, This is first time in School! Why we don't looking some friends?"
Yang: "No, I don't want it"
Yin: "And how you can be have friend before?"
Yang: "It's just a coincidence"

And After that, All new students is in gather by Headmaster Tablet ( the tablets Phone)
Mr.Tablet: "Wellcome all new Students, we will Introduced you all about "The School Of Objects"! I'm your Headmaster Mr. Tablet"
Every students: "Hello Mr.Tablet!
Mr.Tablet: "Okay I Split your class and places in your Class, so this is was your Class"

Inanimate Class: Tissues, cherries, Fan, Test Tube,Suitcase,and Yin-Yang

Objects Class: Toast, Milky, Leafy, evil Leafy,Cupcake, Ruby.

Mr.Tablet: "That's was your class, now you can leave"
Milky: "Woof! I Will meet with new Friends!"
Cupcake: "Yeah, this is will be great!
Some of them go to Objects Class, and there are some characters from Bfdi and Object Mayhem. And Tune is in this class, All of them is sitting in they're Chairs.Like Ruby in near Match, Pencil, and Bubble, but Cupcake is not have some place.
Tune: "You can be in near me~"
Cupcake: "Thank you"
Tune: "No problem~! My names is Tune~"
Cupcake: "Oh, my name is Cupcake,Nice too meet you"
Tune: "You are sweet"
Cupcake: *Shy and a little blush*

And in that class, everyone is scared of Evil Leafy.
Evil Leafy feel sad
Leafy: "Don't worry sis, You can be in near me"

Than in Inanimate class, Inanimate insanity and Object Mayhem Characters is there, Like Soap, Mic, Gun, Trophy, Knife, Burrito, and another.
Fan: "Wow, they Not bad"
Test Tube: " Yeah, in my prediction this class is 6 or 7 % have a bullies"
Tissues: *Sneezing on Cherries*
Cherry 1: "Eww, gross"
Cherry 2: "Yeah, Gross"
Tissues: "Sorry, it's my CondiSHWN"

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