I turned, walking down to the end of the hall. I reached it with two ways to go, a right and a left to be made. I searched my memory, trying my hardest to remember looking into academy's windows that taught young children these things. I raised what I believed to be my right hand, because you were to wright with your right hand, correct? I shuffled my feet, looking the way opposite to what I thought was right. This way would then be left? It was the only thing I could go with, so I traveled down the hall. Soon after coming across the first split-off hallway to the side. If I was wrong, then I could always ask who ever was inside the room to help. At the end of the hall was a door to a room. I knocked lightly, waiting to be answered. 

The door creaked open revealing a man who looked younger but not Deidara's nor my age. He gave me a questionable look that was hardly noticeable in his expressionless features. I felt a flush of heat race to my cheeks at the sight of the raven haired man. " Uh-Uh-Uh-E-E-Excuse m-me, I-Ita-achi?" My voice came out in a light squeak. A strange feeling swirled inside of me. Why was I acting so stupid all of a sudden? I know that I'm not smart, but I feel even more stupid than normal... Was I sick? My stomach felt weird along with my head. " Yes?" The smooth voice almost made me let out a squeak of- of-.. Well I didn't know. " I-I-I'm Ko, and-and I'm train-ning with H-Hidan, wh-ho-Er-I-!!" I failed to speak worse than I ever had. " I CAN'T FIND HIM!" I finally spat out, not reaching Itachi's deep, captivating eyes. 

" Hidan's room is a bit far from here. Travel down the main hall, the one before you came down here, and you'll pass two others, ignore those, the third is Hidan's room." I nodded but still felt confused. " W-what is two? E-exactly.." I didn't know nor remember. I'm not good with numbers, or directions, or learning, or.... I'm not really good at anything. " ....How old are you?" Itachi asked, his face void of emotion. " Wh-hen I w-was in-n a village, so-omebody call-led me a t-teenager.." Itachi was silent till raising his hand, a single finger up. " This is one. One thing." He raised another finger. " This is two. Two things. Two rooms you will pass." I nodded stiffly, trying hard to listen and pay attention. Another finger rose. " This is three. The third room you come by is Hidan's. Third. Three." Another finger went up. " This is four." Another. " And then five. Those are the first five numbers." Itachi finished his explanation and turned back to his room, shutting the door.

I stood still for a moment, the heat dimming from my cheeks. I took a breath and walked from this hallway to the main one. I kept walking down, passing the first hallway. " One." I said quietly until walking to the next hallway. " Two." I kept walking, ready to see the next hallway. " Three!" Quickly I jogged down the third hallway, stopping at the door that was in it. " M-Master Hidan?" I knocked on the door. The door opened for me to see Hidan, not wearing his cloak nor a shirt like I've began to get use too. " Ah, damn, you made it huh? By yourself?" 

I gulped. " B-By myself? ...N-no..." Hidan crossed his arms, letting out a tiny sigh. " So you were weak and asked for help?" " That's not weak, Hidan. Think of it in the way that she's a child who asked Akatsuki members for help." A sturdy voice said from behind. I turned my head, looking up to see Kakuzu. " Shut up, ya old bastard." Hidan mumbled, glaring at his partner. " What are you doing fucking around here anyway?" Kakuzu, not shaken by anything Hidan said, mearly answered, " We have a mission. We're going out to a village, they've been trusted with a scroll believed to have the information of the third Jinchuuriki. We are to find it and hand it over to Leader." Hidan groaned. " Didn't we already try that out last week?" " It's been confirmed this village really does hold the scroll. It's a minor village, we'll be there in no time." Hidan raised an eyebrow. " If it's minor, why the fuck would they have it?" " It's unsuspecting. Now grab your cloak, scythe and.." Kakuzu looked down to me. " Are you bringing her?" 

Hidan seemed to think about it. Kakuzu stopped him from going to answer. " She could bring us down and make us fail." Hidan put a hand up. " Yeah that's fucking true and all, but it's not like she could die with Lord Jashin on our side. Ah! Plus we could get you a weapon! Damn, I'm good." Hidan credited himself on his ideas making Kakuzu sigh. " You look out for her then." Hidan scoffed, looking offended as he went deeper in his room, putting on his cloak and grabbing his scythe. " You say it like I couldn't look after her."

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