about time.

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Donnie saw you as soon as you walked in. He had a duffle bag slung around his shoulders.
"We- we were just about to head out! We didn't think-oh man!"
He quickly made his way towards you, embracing you in a hug.
"What's up how have you been?"
Letting go of you he looked back before you answered.
"Oh man, wait til they see you! Mikey wouldn't shut up about when your coming back I just-"
"Dude I was gone for three days."
There was a lot of unnecessary excitment. They've gone longer with out seeing you.
"I'm sorry, its just. Its not just that!"
"Then what is it?"
"Its about Raph!"
You thought for a moment, yeah, sparing some cheesy details. things have been going okay between you to since last week. No, they've been going pretty damn great. You two kinda 'bonded'? Don't think there's a word for how you two just kinda, let it out together... Bad phrasing.
"What do you mean?" You almost regretted asking.
"Well.." He paused an impish stare plastered on his face. You gave a rather concerned expression back. Just as he was about to speak up, the one and only, red banded bandit walked in. Rather, walked out of his room.
"Oh shit, sup sweets."
He had a bright toothy smile as he hopped down and came over. "Didn't expect ya! How's it going?"
You gave an equally happy smile, laughing you jumped over and gave a welcoming hug.
"Its been good" letting go and looking over, donnie gave a small smile. A 'cough' followed suit and he went off to his lab. "I think I forgot something." He stated.
Looking back, things started to feel, a little less than awkward, still a feeling that would be presented between you two regardless
"So.." You swayed your arms back and forth, hitting your balled fist on your open palm.
"Yeah.." Raph went to scratch the back of his neck. He looked down at his feet before looking back at you.
"Donnie said you guys were about to leave?"
"Yeah, garbage diggin."
Okay, change in subject, suggest keeping their place company? No, to suggestive...Ah, fuck it.
"Well since you guys are heading out, maybe I could chill here and wait?" Looking up, you were waiting for approval. Of course you wouldn't need any, but its good to always ask.
Raph smirked, sly and patronizing.
"We gotta a few minutes."
"Won't you have to go soon anyway though, I mean, its just garbage digging, but?"
"But, what? Its just trudging through old trashed stuff, there's always next time."
"So not all of you have to go, right?" You were quite eager asking that question. You were hoping somebody would stay with you. Considering you came as a surprise, it seemed like fair punishment to be left alone in their place.
"No, not really. I mean back up might be needed in case we get jumped but not likely to happen."
"So there's a chance I won't be alone here, or have to run home?"
Giving a genuine smile, Raph shook his head before speaking up, an amused tone complimenting his usually gruff voice.
"It is technically your fault for coming with out letting it be known first sweets, but I'm sure we can work something out." That statement had made you mentally, take a step back. You were quick to reply but you also lack a filter.
"Getting flirty vibes here, hot shot, you implying something?" it was a rather unusual way to word that but it worked in your favor. A pretty bold assumption too.
"Okay, you've got a problem, we may live in a sewer but we don't think like one, unlike you."
With a laugh Raph stuck his finger out and flicked your fore head. An "OW!" Escaped you. Looking at the amused terrapin with a disgruntled face.
"Not funny, ass hat." You chided softly rubbing at the spot he thumped.
" you've got more muscle in your pinky than I do in my whole leg, not fair." Sticking your tongue out at him.
"Ha- didn't know you were still five" laughing,
He tried snatching at your tongue, you however, quickly brought back in your mouth, making a spitting sound.
"Gross, I don't know where your hands have been!" You laughed, patting at his arm in attempts to playfully push him away.
"Oh no! She's hitting me again what ever shall I do?!" Raphael gave a loud laugh before picking you up and squeezing you in an almost bone crushing hug.
"Dude stop I can't breath!" you laughed. Your arms squeezed to your sides in his stupidly strong embrace.
"Alright, Alright! Quit ya' squirming" walking over he dumped you on the couch. An "oof" was followed by Raph plopping down next to you. Both of you taking time to settle down from your small bout of playfulness.
"Ya know what? I wouldn't mind hanging here with you, it'd be fun."
Sitting in silence it wasn't long before leo spoke up from the dojo door.
"Hey, who ever is going best get off there shell, were bout to head out." Walking over he saw you and Raph sitting on the tattered couch. A questioning look on his face.
"Hey, (y/n) good to see you."
"Good to see you to."
Addressing Raphael soon after.his tone changed a bit.
"Are you coming with us?"
He seemed to already know the answer, but he waited for one regardless.
"Nah, I'll be chill in with sweets this time, if that's alright?"
"Okay, no problem."
Leo yelled for Mikey and Donnie, they all quickly said their good byes and good lucks. Mikey specifically, winking and mouthing "about time" behind the others, quickly running out the door after his older brothers, soon after.

Not much to say now, other than it was just Raphael and you on the couch. Bored.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Raph perked up at the question.
"Horror of chick flick?"
"Yes!" Quickly moving to his feet Raph ran to his room, grabbing his box of pirated CD's and cheap horror flicks. Bouncing back to the couch, box in hand.
"Watcha in for, jumpscare, body horror, OH, mythological type?"
You looked at Raph with a pleased smile. Almost lovingly stareing off. You reached up and placed your hand on his shoulder, rubbing circles into it. You were greeted with a rather confused and slightly surprised face.
"Body horror sounds good." Smiling, you reached in the box and grabbed a movie.
"Oh shit human centipede!" You mused, a surprise to you, he had a weird taste in horror but you weren't expecting this. Hearing a faint cough, you looked over,
"Uh yeah, not exactly something I wanna watch out in the living area." His embarrassed tone was not triggered by the movie alone.
"Let's um... There's Hannibal?"
"Just as good. Not exactly body horror but its good for chillen." Putting back the centipede and pulling the hannible movie from Raphs hand, Raphael gently grasped at your wrist with his free hand,cupping your hand between has and the movie; smiling as he let it slide off slowly. Standing up you put in the Hannibal disc. Grabbing the remote and quickly sitting back down by Raph. The lair had an ominous dim lighting as it was already, so the mood was already in place for the movie. It made perfect scenary. "I'll be right back, gonna go grab a blanket."
"Don't forget popcorn!"
You yelled back, watching the play select screen on the TV. You took a moment to think to yourself.
"This is a cheesy fuckin scenario ain't it." Huffing, you sunk into the couch more, pulling your knees to your chest. Taking note the heavy smell of frebreez clashing with the smell of the rest of their home. April, more likely must have gotten them some. Smelled like fruit. hearing the heavy beat of foot steps you sat up and turned your head, trying to look behind the couch. Raph was walking over with a large Duvet, a bag of popcorn.
"Alright let's get started." You said excitedly, turning around and hitting the play button
"Ha-ha, Hannibal and chill?"
Hopping over the couch and plopping down soon after dropping the items in your lap, Raph let out a hardy laugh. Then quickly snatching the duvet from you lap covering both your laps. You were working on opening the popcorn.
"You like this movie?" Asking seemed kinda stupid, he owned but its still open to criticism.
"I don't know, I keep passing out before the end of it. Kinda boring." He had a mouth full of popcorn,making his words garbled and muffled and making you a little grossed out. Mocking him you granted the "mmmfffjmmgm?" Schtick before laughing
"Don't speak with your mouth full, hot shot!"
He was right though, it was boring, 20 minutes in and its not much to show.
Looking over at him, he gave an awkward cough,
"Mind if I uh, put my arm around ya?"
A pretty innocent question, not much reason either. still, it was nice of him to ask.
"Sure" you prompted, leaning into his side, feeling the heavy weight of his arm on your shoulders. Neither of you were really paying attention to the movie, to lost in thought and the bag of popcorn. The bag crinkling more often that the characters in the movie spoke. Feeling a sudden chill, you tried Pulling the duvet up more, trying to cover your shoulder, Raph seemed to have caught on, taking an edge of the duvet you had in hand and holding it up by your shoulder.
"Thanks" mumbling, you felt like you were gonna doze off. Lucky, you weren't alone on that note.
You felt his head rest on top of yours. Heavy.
Being hardly awake you could just barely see the climax of the movie before hearing-
"Mm, love ya..."
"Love you to."

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