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Lucky timing, or Donnie set it up, maybe Mikey? Either way you were gonna kick their ass.
You were jumping roofs. Rather, you were holding on Raphael's back while he was roof jumping. It was late. Like 3 in the morning late. You were tired, lucky the adrenaline from the anxiety of possibly falling, helped you stay awake for a bit.
Finally, reaching your apartment building. Raph settled you down to your feet. Feeling dizzy, you tried to steady yourself, grabbing at his arm. "Woah you alright?" He was quick to put his arm around you.
"Y-yeah just dizzy."
"Okay." His arm slid off in an awkward fashion, setting it back to his side.
Rubbing your neck, thinking you were really grateful you lived on the top floor.
"Hey, you wanna chill out for a minute, grab a drink before ya head out?" You asked. Being right by the ladder, down to your apartment. Set up or not, you'd take advantage of the moment while you could.
Raph perked up a bit. Clearly thankful for the question. " uhh, yeah sure."
"Well c'mon" you gestured for him to come down. After climbing down your self, opening your room window. Raph was quick to hop down and squeeze through after you. Closing the window behind him gingerly.
Taking in the sight of your room. Typically, small pile of cloths in a corner. A closet not far from your bed and a fold out table by the window, a large black plastic chest under it. Paper and art supplies littered it.
Walls covered in photos and some artwork.
"Polaroids?" He questions, looking at photos of old friends and some family. "Thought ya said you were a teen, sweets?" he smirked. Like he knew something you didn't.
"I am, got the poleroid camera from a garage sale. Had alot of film left, still does. Which means I still need pics of you guys." You drew your words out, you knew it wouldn't happen. But the idea was nice.
"Ha, your funny."a sarcastic retort. He walked over to your bed, it was made up, a 4 inch thick comforter on it and large body pillow.
"Ya mind if I sit?"
Go ahead, imma get us some Capri sun's!" With that he plopped down on your bed as you left the room.
"Capri suns" he laughed. "Nice"
He took a deep breath in, exhaling slowly. Nice place, comfy. Smelled better then where he lived. Insecurity sattled in, he must have smell worse than anything compared to your home.
Looked back at the table. Getting up, moving over to look at the paper. "Alotta drawings, huh?" Asking no one in particular. He sifted through them, some general doodle, one of them seemed like class work, so obviously written on it. He paused. A drawing of him. Very well done. Hearing the door click open, Raphael turned and leaned on the table, drawing in hand.
"Got the Capri suns and some fruit roll ups to, sorry took so long. My mom rang the house phone. She's gonna be like tomorrow morning late. So, we got all night, I guess." While closing the door with your foot you finally noticed Raph. Smiling brightly. It really was a sight that made you wish you had your camera.
"ya know" he paused to laugh. "Never thought myself a work of art" holding up the drawing of his face to next to his own. He finished "but I guess I don't have the right kinda eye for it."
You stood there, a little betrayed, shocked. You never really told them about your art, how personal you are about it. So you couldn't get angry at him for looking. It was still a feeling your used to having when it came down to it though.
"Oh my god." Embarrassed, tried not to stress. "Just shut up and take your juice pouch you big baby." The only sufficient insult you had. Laughing he came over and took the pouch and roll up. Moving to sit on the bed , you following soon after. Rapheal, Mumbling a light hearted insult as you sat down next to him. "didn't know we were still five?"
"Like you're one to talk, don't you still have a teddy bear?"
"You don't see me hoarding any old toys on my shelves do ya?!" He smiled, tearing the straw wrapper of, punching it in the juice pouch.
"That's cause you don't have any shelves" you laughed. Pulling out your roll up.
A crinkling of wrappers and laughter filled the room for a moment. Going quiet You nudged Raphael's arm half hazardly.
"What, no 'thank you'?" You asked. A hazey smile still on raphs face he looked back at you.
"Oh to what I owe the dear queen as a token of my gratitude? a simple 'thank you' not good enough for me." You laughed almost choking on you drink.
"And why not" you questioned quite amused.
"Not sufficient enough to show how much I appreciate ya." He smiled a toothy grin at you. Eyes crinkling and a laugh threatening to leave him.
you bumped your knee with his.
"Look at this, Edgar Allen poe much?"
"More, shakes spear."
"More sarcasm."
Both laughing again.
"Didn't take you for a jokester?"
It was the truth, he was most usually brooding. Maybe a little angsty.
"Yeah, maybe it just takes the right kinda person to get it outta me, then" he turned his head at you again, half a froot roll up hanging out his mouth and his eyes crossed.
Letting out snort of laughter, you pushed at him. His arms up raised in defense. "Ahh, watch out she hurt me!" Raph yelled, his mouth full of the roll up. Both laughing a little to hard again.
"Well I'm glad to be one of those people then" you had trouble saying that laughing so much.
Finally settling down, both slouching.
" happy to be that person who hurt me?! I'm offended!" He stated quite boldly. And fake pout on his face.
"No, happy to be that person that makes you goofy!" You laughed.
" never said that"
" you implied it though." Settling down, Raph and you kinda stared off into nothing. A sigh filled the room.
" happy about that to."

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