Chapter 2 - Riley's P.O.V

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I woke up to the sound of my 9 year old sister and her annoying little bratty friends giggling and trashing my room. Ergh I hate the mornings, I moaned and just as I was about to pull the covers off, I heard a high pitched girl scream.

“Sshhh. She’s moving, everyone code 2 grab as much as you can and RUNN!!” I had heard my sister, Skye, ordering her friends in what she thinks is a ‘whisper.’

I stretched, got out of my bed then sauntered to the bright pink door with her name all over. My knocking had gotten louder by every second till she decided to open the door.

“Oh sister that I am forced to love, may I have the makeup and accessories you and your irritating friends stole from my room.”

“No thanks I think we might keep it.” But before she was able to slam the door I put my foot there and parred her.

“Listen here sissy, It wasn’t an option, It was a order. So, give it here or I’m telling Johnny you like him.” All the 6 girls gasped but quickly obeyed my command. I took my stuff, smiled at the little brats and dramatically skipped away.

I grabbed a towel from the cupboard, walked to the bathroom threw it on the cold tiled floor whilst climbing into the shower. The warm water washed over my muscles and I was on the verge of moaning with its embracing touch, loosening the tightened knots and warming my skin. Finally when I felt everything was clean and refreshed I stepped out of the bath grabbed th towel and headed to my room.

Now the dilemma starts, what do I wear to impress Freddie? I can’t try to hard it would just seem needy. I decided to go for something more casual but still hot.

My favourite skinny jeans that make my ass look amazing and a light blue tank top that showed a bit of cleavage with a navy cardigan on the top. Perfect. With my BB 9780 in my ass pocket, a little light makeup I was ready to head to Lilly’s. That whore still hadn’t called me back from the night before. It was almost 1 o’clock, she must be awake.  

As I was walking up her front lawn my ass vibrated. I seized my phone out of my pocket. I unlocked it to see: “I’m at her door, wish me luck because today is the day I’ll be growing the balls to ask her. –Mason”

I sighed, finally it had been almost a year he had been crushing on her and I knew she felt the same way. After re-reading his message for the last time I stuffed my phone back into my ass pocket and rang the bell. I saw the doorknob turn and the door was yanked open within seconds.

“Oh, Hi Mr Smith. Is Lilith here?”

“Sorry honey she’s not. Didn’t she tell you when her flight was?”

“Um.. she never mentioned anything about a flight.”

“Oh, well. Me and Mia got a divorce and she decided to leave the country to her sisters and took Lilith with her. She really didn’t mention this to any of you?”

“No, she hadn’t talked about leaving, with us.” Now I had been trying to hold back the tears, Lilly had been one of my best friends since forever and I could never imagine what I would do without her. Even though it had been the 4 of us when I moved, but for some reason me and Lilly had always been closer than the rest, so this was gonna effect me more than Olivia and Nene. I’m just amazed she hadn’t ATLEAST told me about her leaving or about the divorce.

“It’s weird she didn’t tell any of you.” When he was talking I could see the sadness in his eyes, this must have hurt him the most as his only child was taken away from him and now he was all alone. “Listen, when she calls I’ll tell her to contact one of you three as soon as possible.”

“Thanks Mr Smith. Well I better go, Bye” And I walked home as fast as I could before anyone could see me crying.

I dashed to my room, slammed my door and threw myself onto my bed. And let everything out.


I woke up later that night at around 7ish. My eyes were pure red from all the crying I had been doing. As much as I wanted it all just too be a dream. It wasn’t, the reality was far from a dream, Lilly was gone, and I couldn’t avoid the truth any longer. Nene and Olivia had to find out. I picked up my phone and texted them. 

“Lilith is gone.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2011 ⏰

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