Chapter 1 - Lilith POV

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(Written by Tori, aka fairy_reader)

My father is a asshole, my mother is a whore.

I think as I walk into the school for the last time. I see Riley and Mason I give them a wave and put on a fake smile.

 We were just casually talking, I can't tell them I'm leaving. I dont want to tell them im leaving. Its not like anyone would care about me anyway. 

I felt sad and happy, sad cause I'm having to leave my 3 best friends and happy cause I'm escaping and I can start over again, I can also at least escape one of my parents and this hell hole called my ferrymount view.

I'm most definitely sure that i was giving to the wrong parents at birth.

My real parents are kind, loving, caring, wonderful and beautiful.

The pair I'm stuck with, their quite the opposite.

As I was talking I saw Olivia and Nene. Theese two had the perfect lives, a life i will never have.

 I give Nene a hug then smiled at Olivia. 

"Hey hoe, tell your mum I'll pay her soon and shes got some fine tits" Said a black afircan boy.

"Nice makeup, skank, trying to be like mummy and pick some up" - said one of the cheerleaders.

"I hope you die a painful miserable death" said a pale skinned emo.

These are the beautiful comments I'm graced with ever morning. I have to suck it up every morning and act like i don't care. Like all the things being said to me, i deserve them. I don't really, Ive done nothing to these people. Its what my parents have done.

My mum is a successful business women and a lot of these kids parents hate her. So when photos of her at playboy leaked out, people gobbled it up and used to as a way to put her down. put me down. Calling her hoe, me a hoe. Calling her a hooker, me a hooker. Calling her a skank, me a skank. The list really does go on.

My dad isn't any better.

My dad filed a divorce last night, and now tonight my mum leaves forever, and taking me with her.

Ohh joy.

The bell rang and i walked into class. "Late again Lillian?" the teacher asks, everyone snickers probably start spreading rumors that I was shagging someone 5 minutes prior to the bell.

"Sorry Miss Cleverton"

"Take a seat Lilith"

I nod my head lightly and seat in the front row next to Riley who was chewing pink gum loudly and smacking her glossed lips.

"I hate my life" I whisper. Dosent matter though few more hours till ill never be in this town again.

"There just dick heads love, all there penises are this big" she placed her index finger and thumb a milometer apart. "Trust me love Ive seen them all, and the girls? They stuff there bras with chicken breast in hopes to impress the boys, there all flat chested. They got nothing on you love"

I smiled slightly, "Thanks Riley, but they're still mean"

"Don't worry about them, school cant last forever."

They day went on and on. I was teased and humiliated by the same old slutty skanky cheerleaders. Picked on by every single boy excluding the nerds who are desperate for any girl.

Finally its was last period. I sat down in my seat.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and i turned around to see Jessica A* slut and 'apparently' lost her virginity.

"Hey hoe, can i borrow you pen."

i usually would of said yes but today was my last day and i was going to take advantage of it.

"Hey virgin Mary" i said, she hated everyone who thought she was a virgin, she wanted to seem badass as possible. "No you cant have my pen, but what you can do is eat some of your makeup so you can be pretty on the inside, b*tch".

That was the first time I swore in my life and it felt awesome to say it to someone I hated.

She gasped "How dare you talk to me like that"

"Oh stop acting like your all mighty when you walk around humping things and just being a plain tramp."

"I'm a tramp? At least my mother didn't work at playboy, you little worthless sk*nk"

"Oh? You wanna talk about my mother? It's on slut. At least my mother isn't a gold digger and actually works for her money. At least my mother doesn't get her boobs done EVERY week, seriously they look they are going to explode. Who gives a damn if my mother worked at playboy at least my mother is attractive you mother looks like a walking orange."

Jessica start to go red in the face "You little dirty cunt im going to destory you so bad that yo-"

"JESSICA AND LILITH OUTSIDE NOW" Bellowed the teacher.

We both sighed and got up, as we were walking she tried to trip me over with her stupid  high heeled school shoes i pushed her into the black bin. She fell in and her skirt flipped down and everyone could see her white under wear. 

"LILITH TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE!" shouted the teacher at me. "NOW!" 

"Gladly" i replied. I turned around to the class and gave everyone the finger and walked to the principals office.

I dont know what came over me but I finally stood up to jessica for the 5 years I've known her. I felt so proud of myself.

We left the town that night at 8. I was standing in front of the plane, i turn around and look at the small town of Ferrymount View i smile sadly and blew it a kiss. I take a deep breath and board the plane.

Hello pretty people of wattpad!!

So this is lilith, do you guys like her? 

Anywho thanks for reading my first chapter of, our dirty little secrets.

And i know advertising is bad, but please, if you like my writting cheack out my other books.

Anywho my name is Tori and i am fairy_reader.

I love you all!

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Love Tori.

Our dirty little secrets.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang