Chapter 35: The Last Week

Start from the beginning

Throwing the door open he leaned out, "MALAN!" he yelled, "GET IN HERE! I NEED YOU!" it was the middle of the night so I had no doubt that Malan heard him, but everyone else probably did also.

Devon rushed back to me, tripped on a pair of shorts, cursed at said shorts, pulled on said shorts, and then managed to reach me as he grabbed my hand tightly as another contraction ripped through me, making me whine in pain. Malan stumbled through the door in his pajamas as he looked around in a daze then ran over when he took in what was going on.

"How long has he been having contractions for?" Malan asked as he too hovered over me.

"Only for a few minutes, and he has had three so far," Devon clarified quickly.

Malan tisked, "Damn boy, you really don't like to wait, do you?" he asked with a hint of a smile.

I attempted to smile back when another contraction hit me and I doubled over in pain with a loud groan and my teeth clenched. Devon held my shoulders to the bed so I couldn't roll to my side and the Cubs started to become frantic at my sides as they tried to figure out why I was in pain. Luckily, Cooper walked in quickly and he took both of the Cubs under his arms and left the room with them both struggling, but I was in too much pain to care about anything. The contraction ended and I panted on the bed as Devon ran to the bathroom and grabbed a hand towel as he wiped the sweat from my forehead.

A few more pack members glanced into the room before the door was closed then opened again as Chris and Eli came in with more towels and warm water, and a couple of chairs. Devon laid me down and placed a pillow under my head as I stayed above the covers, as my body was already too hot. Devon kept a firm hold on my hand and Malan took my temperature before he brought a chair over and plopped down in it next to the bed.

"Well Quinn, since your contractions have started we just wait now. I have no idea how long it will take but your contractions will get stronger and longer, and when I tell you to put you need to push. Ok? This is really important Quinn," he called urgently as he relaxed next to the bed.

I nodded on ok as my head lulled onto Devon's lap and I prepared for the worst. The hours limped by at a slow pace as the contractions got worse and worse until they were almost back-to-back and I didn't think they were ever going to stop. I'm sure Devon's hand was sore from all of my squeezing but he never complained once. Malan never left the room and now Eli and Chris where in here too to help if Malan needed it. They were all sitting in the chairs that were brought in and I could tell that the rest of the pack was strewn out either right outside the door, on the stairs, or in the living room as they waited for the Pups to come.

I was having a small rest from the contractions as Devon wiped my forehead again and I panted in exhaustion, and I hadn't even started yet. As I panted another strong contraction hit and my pajama bottoms felt wet, so I told Devon and he called Malan over. Malan jumped up and took one look at me before pulling my pajama bottoms off and laying a blanket over my pelvis area and the blanket stopped right above my knees. Malan positioned my legs to a ninety degree angle so you could only see anything if you were at the foot of the bed, and he looked me over.

"Get me a few towels," Malan ordered and Eli jumped up and complied. Malan placed two towels under my butt and all around that area as the kept another one on his lap and he looked down at that area again, "Your water broke," he confirmed, "It won't be too long now," he told me as he remained at the foot of the bed and Chris came to my other side and took my free hand.

Eli went to the foot of the bed with Malan as he held the bowl of warm water and waited for instructions. Malan continuously checked down there and called out a few numbers.

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