Chapter 2 - The Parade

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Boarding the train, I look around and take in the sights around me, eyes wide in amazement. The thick red carpets that covered the long hallways, the elegant furniture and decorations. We are escorted to our rooms, and instructed to get settled. But there's really nothing for me to put away. My district token, the good luck necklace, is my only keepsake of home.

And then we are called down to dinner. Servers with pristine white shirts with crisply ironed collars and black vests walk soundlessly from table to table, making sure that drinks are refilled and plates are full. Thresh eats in silence, and he ignores my sadistic attempts at conversation. Then, he finally says something, which surprises me. "Listen. If you're trying to be friendly, I get it. But we're just going to die horribly in the next week. So I don't see the point of trying." 

I just stare blankly at Thresh, as the realization hits. We are all going to die. Twenty three of us will die horrible, painful deaths. And one will win.

I'm just hoping that the lucky winner is me.


The next day, I awaken to see a group of four oddly clothed people hovering over me. One has fiery red hair styled in an elaborate mohawk. Another has dark green vinelike tattoos stencilled around their eyebrows. The third has a mane of curly lavender locks, and wears lemon yellow lipstick. Finally, the fourth seems the most normal of them all, with bleached blond hair in a pixie cut and shimmering gold powder covering her face. She looks like a fairy.

"Get up! Oh, she's awake! Up, up up! We have lots of work to do!" Their silly Capitol accents irritate me. A lot, actually. But I reluctantly get up, and change into the thin robe the red-haired one hands to me. Then, I am whisked away to the large building called the Remake Center. I am instructed to sit in a chair and remain still. 

The man with the mohawk introduces himself as Osiris, and the others follow suit with the introductions. The one with green vines identifies herself as Tally, the purple haired one shyly mumbles out "Lia", and the one with the gold dust is Mellie. "Of course, we know who you are" says Tally with a wide grin that's borderline creepy. Unsure of what to say, I simply nod and they take this as a cue to begin their work.

Firstly, Tally brushes out my hair. Apparently, they want to make it straighter somehow. Tally braids my hair into long, thin pieces, and then Osiris steps in. His hands move in a blur as he weaves a silky white ribbon into the braids. Lia covers my face with a light dusting of pale pink blush and a coat of clear gloss to my lips. Then, I am ushered over to a separate room where Mellie is waiting. in her hands is a long garment in a plastic cover, hanging on a wire hanger.

"Is that my dress?" I ask tentatively. "Yes, it is. But I need it to be a surprise. Can you close your eyes so I can get you dressed, Rue?" I nod, and do as I am told. I hear the crinkling of the plastic as the cover is removed. I feel the soft fabric over my head, and I fit my arms through the sleeves.  Then, Mellie lets me open my eyes.

I look towards the mirror, and my eyes widen in surprise. I am decked out in a golden-brown dress with lighter brown flecks in which I assume resemble wheat. I have some sort of strange headdress with shiny red apples, rich purple plums, and lush green pears. Thats me. District 11. Agriculture.

Mellie assists me into some brown wedge sandals, and leads me to the area where the chariots are all lined up. I see Thresh dressed in a shirt with the same pattern as my dress, and a gold tie. He smirks at my fruit covered hat as we board the chariot. He sits with a rigid posture and doesn't look at me for the entire duration of the ride.

It doesn't matter if we were commanding attention or not, because right behind us is the District 12 chariot. All the eyes that were watching us are now watching them, and I turn around to look at what's so spectacular. My jaw drops.

They are on fire! How amazing! And the crowd is screaming their names, Katniss and Peeta, and Katniss is blowing kisses to the crowd, and Peeta is waving, and I notice that they're holding hands. Interesting.

Our chariot pulls back into the Remake Center and we climb off. Without hesitation, Thresh hurries off with some Capitol attendants and I scurry behind. Once we zoom up the elevator I hear the sound of Thresh's door shutting, and I head over to my room as well. I change out of my costume, and I realize I'm exhausted. Changing into a pale white nightgown, I burrow under the soft downy covers and fall into a dreamless sleep.

Underestimating Rue - A Hunger Games Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें