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I laughed as I walked down the hall with Uruha. We had just finished our live at Tokyo Dome, and we were now joking and preparing to leave.

"How big is yours, Reita?" "Mine's too big. I have to wear baggy jeans so it fits. What about yours, Ruki?"

Uruha and I stopped dead in our tracks. Staring at the door we listened to the rest of the conversation.

"Mine's just the right size. Let's take them out, shall we?" "Fuck man, it's stuck..! Hang on......there we go."

Uruha and I hurried closer to the door, listening closely now. Aoi came walking up to us, opening his mouth to speak, but Uruha beckoned him. He joined us in listening.

"No fair! Yours is bigger than mine." "Not just bigger, but also thicker." "How do you keep it so neat? It looks amazing." "Taking good care of it."

I blushed as Aoi and Uruha began to giggle. "Are they comparing the sizes of their dicks?" Aoi whispered, receiving a smirking nod from Uruha.

"I can't even hold it properly." "Your hands are too small, Ruki."

"Let me hold yours. You said it's just the right size, so I wanna see for myself." "Go ahead and hold it, Rei. Be careful though." "I'm always careful. Awww, it fits the rest of you so adorably!" Then we heard a slap. "Don't make fun of it, Blockhead!" "Okay, fine. Sorry for hurting your manhood." A giggle from Ruki. "You're forgiven." "So, how does it feel to hold something so big, Ruki-chan?" "I..it feels good, I guess.. Why..?" "You're getting all shy. Come on, it won't hurt."

Now I had enough. "What is going on here?!" I yelled as I slammed the door open, causing Uruha and Aoi to fall into the room. The three of us blushed when we saw Ruki and Reita sitting on the couch, apparently compaing the sizes of their phones.


I'm so sorry for this XD it popped in my head when hearing "suck my dick" in 13 Stairs. So anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this very short Reituki OneShot.

Comparing sizesWhere stories live. Discover now