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//Omg just look at my love\\


I was in my room, packing my clothes into a suitcase. I was going to spend a couple of weeks with Michael in Australia. He had insisted on me coming, especially after he found out about the whole cutting thing. I guess he was still worried about me, even though I insisted that I was fine now, he still wanted me to come. I didn't mind though, it would be fun to go on a trip with him.

I finished packing and walked downstairs. He was sitting with my parents, in the living room. They all stood up and walked over to me. My parents hugged and kissed me goodbye and walked us out to the car.

"You take care of her." Mom said to Michael.

"Don't worry, I will."

He put his arm around me to help assure her that he would.

"Let us know when you get there." Dad said.

"We will." I said.

I kissed and hugged them one last time and then got into the car. Michael backed out of the driveway and we were on our way to the airport.

"I'm so excited." I said.

Michael smiled and reached over mad held my hand.

"I'm glad, I am too. We're gonna have fun."

"Will we get to hang out with the boys at all?" I asked.

"You really wanna hang out with those losers?"

I glared at him and he laughed. He should know that I would.

"Yes, I wanna hang out with them. I haven't gotten to since I was on tour with you guys, which was almost 6 months ago."

"I know and yes we can hang out with them. Calum practically lives at my house anyway."

"Okay good." I said, smiling.

"But we're gonna spend some time together just us two, right?" He asked.

"Of course, silly."

"Good, because I'm planning some good stuff. Like you'll love me even more for it."

"Oh really? Can you tell me?" I asked.

"Nope, it's a surprise."

"Aww, please?"

I tried the pouty face on him, because he did it to me all the time. It didn't work on him either, apparently, because he didn't tell me.

We arrived at the airport and got all checked in. We walked to our gate and then boarded the plane. Michael took the window seat, because I hate sitting by the window.

Flying always made me nervous, he knew that and he held my hand. I put my headphones in and turned on my music. I just laid my head back and closed my eyes. At some point, drifting off to sleep.



I was so happy that Avery had come with me to Australia. We had so much time to make up for us being apart and I was determined to make it all up to her.

I was horrible with planning things. I mean heck, my idea of a perfect date was getting popcorn and going to some movie or something. I knew that she would be fine with that, but I wanted to do something special for her. So I had enlisted the help of Ashton, he had helped me think of something really special.

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