Aaron's pov

"how you feeling" Claire sat beside me "I'm okay, I'm worried about the baby" she rubbed her stomach "what did the doctors say" she looked at me with teary eyes "I'm so scared Aaron, I can't do this" I came closer brushing her hair from her face "Claire it's okay, you can tell me anything" I put her face to rest on my chest "it's a matter of life and death" I held her face "Claire stop talking with codes" a tear fell down her face "if I give birth, there is ninety percent chance I won't make it, if I abort the child, then I'd live" she cried into my chest "Claire, come on don't say it like that" she pulled away "that's the truth Aaron, I'm just stating facts" I reached to hold her hand but she pulled away, I sighed, I haven't even eaten anything, because this was eating me alive, it was really getting to me "what now" I leaned back on my chair "I'm keeping the baby Aaron" stunned I turned my head and looked at her, I really misjudged her, and underestimated her "Aaron don't, I don't want you to apologise, I already forgave you, I'll see you in a week" she grabbed her bag and left "I'm sorry" I murmured low as water clouded my eyes "Doctor, there is someone here to see you" I turned my head to see a nurse stare at me till I responded "send them to my room tell them it won't be long" I got up and walked to my room.

(Claire's song)

Claire's pov

"That will be all for today, come back next week for the other testings" the nurse smiled holding her clip board where she wrote everything down on a piece of paper "do I need to do any ultrasound" the nurse looked at me and sat beside me rolling her eyes from side to side "in a weeks time" I just nodded "if you don't remember to get them in a week's time, the testings, you'll receive a text from the hospital, we will take care of you Claire don't worry" she rubbed my back soothing my tensions "okay" I sighed in relief "just sign here you'll be done for today" I signed the piece of paper, handing her pen back "I'll see you soon huni" I got up took my purse then waved her, she waved back. walking out the elevator I bumped in to Aaron.

"Aaron" he held me by my arms "Claire, how did the testings go" he smiled genuinely "it went good" I frowned slightly, I didn't like what the nurse said to me, I'm not planning to discuss this with him right now, I'm confused, lost, I don't know what to do, I sighed pushing against him to walk away from him "where you going" he held my hand, I miss him, but I can't, I can't do this right now "Claire talk to me" he grabbed slightly below my waist "Aaron don't you have somewhere to be" I sobbed through my words "Claire enough, you're really worrying me" I rubbed my eyes "I'm so scared" he held me in his arms and I just cried, and cried, on his hard chest "talk to me, I want to know what's going, I want to help, you have to let me help you" he held my face in his hands "when the testings came back about the baby's health" I paused biting my lip "they said, that I'd have healthy baby, that she would grow up healthy" I exhaled "you're going to have a baby girl" his eyes illuminated with happiness, I just nodded, he brought his arms again around me and hugged me tightly, sighing in relief, I closed my eyes, here comes the bad news "Aaron there's a catch" he looked into my eyes "what do you mean" I broke from his hug "can we sit somewhere please" we walked and sow two spare chairs, I sat and straightened myself out "how you feeling" he asked me "I'm okay, I'm worried about the baby" I sighed rubbing my tummy "what did the doctors say" he interrogated me, I should just fulfil his curiosity, I don't know what to do "I'm so scared Aaron, I can't do this" I blurted out, tears clouding my vision, he brushed my hair to the side "Claire it's okay, you can tell me anything" he allowed me to rest my face on his chest, I miss his heartbeat, no, I can't, but this feeling "it's a matter of life and death" I blurted accidentally, crap "Claire stop talking with codes" I felt the agitation in his voice, here goes nothing I thought "if I give birth, there is ninety percent chance I won't make it, if I abort the child, then I'd live" I put it out there for him
"Claire, come on don't say it like that" he thinks I'm just playing, I'm not, it's what the doctor said
"that's the truth Aaron, I'm just stating facts" he makes me so flustered, he always thinks of me as dumb and a joke, I loved him, I actually still do, but, I can't relive the pain again, enough is enough, I need to move on, even if everything is falling apart, mum was right, not every person lasts forever, forever doesn't last with one person, I pulled my hand before he touched it "what now" I just wanted to hit him, can't he see this is a big sacrifice, what's wrong with him, I can't take this anymore I pulled on my purse "I'm keeping the baby Aaron" he's eyes opened wide just looking at me, he understood he didn't I don't care, I need a peace of mind not his sorry's "Aaron don't, I don't want you to apologise, I already forgave you, I'll see you in a week" with that said I stood up and left.

I walked to my car, turning it on. My phone rang "hello" I answered "I got your call dear is everything okay" she asked worried "I just wanted to tell you, I can fill in the adoption papers, today if you're free to come see me" for a while I heard silence I thought she hang up on me "hello" I said, hoping she didn't "sorry dear I was just trying to find them" I sighed "can you come over to my apartment, I need to tell you something" I really hope she helps me, I need her to do this for me "yes of course dear I'll just drop in tomorrow, I can't today I have guests over" I sighed in relief " tomorrow is fantastic, is four in afternoon fine" she accepted the time and I was thrilled, I can't wait to see her, I'm scared, but this is for the best, I just need to calm down, eat, then visit her tomorrow, one step at a time. Plan it so it all goes well, I reminded myself.

"Hi, I'm just looking through the menu" as a tall guy with brown sparkly eyes and brown hair walked towards the register that I was standing in front of "sure take your time" I searched through the menu and looked at the salads and sandwich section "do you have the desert menu" I bit my lower lip "sure, here you go" he handed me a smaller menu "can I order now" he nodded, I ordered chicken cesar salad, chicken aioli sandwich and two mud cakes with ice cream, my tummy grumbled, I'm so hungry, after waiting he finally came back with my orders "thank you" I reached to take the bags that he handed, I looked at his name tag 'Aaron' "thank you Aaron" he smiled back at me "have a nice day" he winked playfully "you too" I left and got into my car, too much 'Aarons' in one day I thought to myself.

Finally, I was home, I sighed leaning against my door. Time to eat and fill my hunger.

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