New FUN Book [coming soon]

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Dear WPFamily/silent readers/daily fans,

I've decided that after my major exams are finished that I would finally be able to update on time, attend to all pending books, re-post stories that is in my draft box, and I am also going to launch a new fun book, that you all will supposedly love?

Its going to be about facts- the title of the book will be 'Did You Know?'

Let me know if I should go ahead doing this? I know you all will definitely enjoy my books, since u already give me so much love! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. 

I really never pictured myself in a being so in wattpad, also I'm sorry to those who I couldn't reply to in my PM box. It has been overfilled for a long time and I can't do anything about it right now, so If I didn't reply, I'm sorry it's just because I haven't seen it yet or It got lost with the rest of messages. Just bare with me okay, Senior life sucks and I am not prepared for Uni life yet! >.<

Sends out lots of hugs for supporting me so much, I love you all so --------------- much ;)


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