"San!" The man sprinted off the beach, just as Angeal and Genesis charged toward one another.

Sephiroth stayed in place, and we watched each other for a full minute, just waiting.

When I saw him twitch, I did a backflip, seeing Masamune slice the air where I had been standing.

I skipped backwards a few paces, grinning. "Looks like you made the first move this time. Isn't it polite to let the lady go first?"

"The lady only has a certain amount of time to move before the gentleman goes." He shrugged, standing upright. "What gave me away?"

"You twitched just before you moved." But it had only been a guess.

"Whereas you stand motionless."

I pouted. "Dude, I don't move, I glide."

"Isn't it the same thing?" He sighed.

"I guess it is." I snapped forward and engaged him, feinting to the right and attacking his left, just missing cutting open his torso, but with satisfaction, a bit of blood appeared.

I backed off a bit. "You alright there?"

He inspected the cut. "It'll heal."

I placed my hand on my hip. "Can you continue, Pretty Boy?" I winked.

Angeal came crashing into me without warning, sending me onto my ass in the sand.

"God damn it!" I yelled, throwing him off me and defending myself.

Sephiroth had seen the chance to attack me and had taken it, and if I hadn't placed both my katana in front of me, he would have taken my head.

"Jesus Angeal! Watch where you're going!" I scolded, pushing Sephiroth back.

Angeal brushed the sand of of himself and muttered something, standing next to me.

I growled at him and Genesis again stood next to Sephiroth, laughing.

"What was that about gliding?" He snickered.

I raised my eyebrow. "It was your fault, idiot."

"You looked so open." He gushed.

"Shut up." I snarled. "Well Brother, I guess that we have to do it the old way."

Genesis's eyes widened.

"We haven't done that in over five years Aimee. You think we can still pull it off?" Angeal murmured.

"Sure we can. How about we give these two a proper taste of the Hewley family's skill." I winked. I held my hand out to him with a smile.

He rolled his eyes and took it.

Genesis prepared himself, knowing what was coming. Or so he thought. This was gonna be a little different than the one he had experienced when we were kids. This one was perfected and very, very deadly.

Running forward, we split, me going to the right, and Angeal to the left. He nodded at me, signalling that he was ready. I gave a nod in return.

I pulled my elbows to either side of my waist and started spinning while my brother and I closed in on the two males.

"Matte!" Lazars voice called out, making us all freeze. "Aimee, you have to go to an emergency meeting taking place right now!"

I groaned. "Emergency meeting? What the hell for?"

"In regards to your illness. They may have found a cure."

I tensed. "That's great. Now give it to someone who hasn't already signed their death warrant. If there is someone who has the same illness as me, then give it to them. I'm sure they'd appreciate it a shitload more than I would."

"Aimee!" Angeal protested.

"Don't argue with me!" I snapped back. "There may be a lot of things that you and I can argue with, but this is not one of them. Give the cure to someone who deserves it." I placed my katanas back in their sheaths before placing it on one of the tables along the beach still standing. "Now if you'd excuse me, I'd like to go swimming." I walked to the edge of the water

Lazar just sighed. "I guess there's nothing I can do about that."

"I love the swimsuit by the way Aim." Genesis called.

I heard a satisfying crunch as my brothers fist connected with his face before I jumped into the cool sea, swimming a few meters under the surface, coming back up a few seconds later. "The water is nice! Come on in!"

They looked at each other hesitantly.

"Let me put it this way. You don't get your asses in this water in the next two seconds, I'm dragging you in!"



Angeal and i were having a competition in the waist deep water when I started coughing, making Sephiroth look up from where he was, and Genesis stop reading Loveless, staring at me. Angeal stopped laughing immediately and gave me a worried look. "Are you okay?"

The coughs were harsh, to say the least, and I felt as though I was about to cough up my lungs. It was almost enough force to send me to me knees. Placing my hand over my mouth, I turned away from them, still coughing.

As the coughing died down, something wet landed on my hand, and once I got my breath back, I took a glance. "Holy shit. " I gasped. There was blood in my hand and running down my arm. "That's never happened before."

"Aimee? Are you alright?" Sephiroth asked, coming to my side and placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." I dodged, still not looking at him.

"What's in your hand?"

I quickly stuck my arm in the water and rinsed it, washing off the blood. "Nothing." Turning around, I smiled at him. "See?"

He leant over my shoulder, gazing at the water. "Why is there blood?"

"I cut my foot on a rock before." I lied. "But I'm fine. Just a bit of a cough. Lets go back to the hotel."



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