1: Sick Jimin and Caring Yoongi

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The night sky was darker than usual tonight; the moon was only a thin, dim, crescent that hung low over the horizon. It projected a slight yellowish light over the world below. Few stars accompanied it; they blinked less brightly than usual. Along the road, there was nothing save a lamppost or two every couple of miles. Rich, brisk air drifted through an open window and caressed the faces of the passengers and licked the walls. The emptiness of the environment casted a lonely feeling, but the lingering slumber weighed down more; pushing the loneliness away.

Yoongi watched out the window as the outside world whirred past in nothing more than indistinct blurs of darkness. His eyes weren't fixed on or looking for anything in particular; they were skipping around and just observing. He took slow, deep breaths of the fresh air that was drifting through the open window. As usual, he was the only one awake. He didn't mind it; it was much quieter than usual. He just wished he had remembered to grab his notebook out of his bag so he could be writing down ideas. He was going to use his phone, but it was soon going to die as he had been listening to music since they left the venue. He let out a soft sigh as he thought.

It had been a long day, let's face it, couple of months, for the Bangtan boys. Just today they had performed the longest concert they have ever performed and then gone straight into a taxing rehearsal and vocal touch up afterwards. Then, they ate and hopped on a bus that would take them to the next city over where they would sleep a few hours in a hotel before they had to get up for an early concert warm up. That's how it's been for the two months they've been on tour; show after show, rehearsal after rehearsal, transportation after transportation.

The boys were generally used to it- the touch and go of touring- but something's been hanging over them. There's been something that's lowering their moral and determination. Some would call it a slump, others would call it over exertion, some may even call it sickness. Though, no one really knew what it was. It could have been the colds they had begun to contract or the days worth of difficult and painful physical and vocal training. It's also possible that it was the weight of the pure emotion of seeing the ARMYS as well as feeling homesick. Whatever it is, it's making the boys become tired more easily and it's causing a slight struggle. All they wanted was to give their best to their fans, since their the ones that make everything possible, but it's been getting harder when they are constantly exhausted.

Out of everyone, Jimin had been taking the hardest hit. Between the spirattic dance moves and hitting the high notes, he'd been running out of energy extremely quickly and his voice was getting horribly raspy. Occasionally, he'd let out a wretched cough after shows or even throw up. Truthfully, Yoongi was extremely concerned; everyone was. No matter what, though, he refused to take it easy. Like Yoongi, Jimin was a perfectionist. He was not going to give anything but one hundred percent at concerts. He didn't care if he got sick, he wouldn't take breaks during rehearsals; he would brush it off and jump back in. He called it dedication, which it was in a way, but Yoongi and Namjoon agreed it was stupidity. Afterall, if they lost Jimin, what were they going to do? He had the best voice for high notes and he was one of their best dancers.

Yoongi allowed his eyes to drift away from the window and the darkness outside to his sleeping bandmates. As usual, they slept close together. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok all sat close together. Taehyung was in the middle and acted as a pillow for the other two members. He ended up resting his head on the maknae as he slept. Next to them, was Namjoon and Seokjin. The oldest of the group sat with his wrists loosely crossed over his lap while Namjoon sat next to him; slightly leaning while resting his head on his elder's shoulder. Then, there was Jimin. He sat separated from the rest. Apparently, he had woken up at some point.

A small smile creeped onto Yoongi's lips as he watched Jimin. The younger boy lounged in the leather seat with his eyes closing periodically and his head slowly drifting down only to snap back up a few seconds later. Yoongi granted his eyes permission to drink in his features. He looked from his messy black hair, to his neat and shaped eyebrows. He wished wished to see his dark chocolate eyes and the sweet fire that was always lit behind them. The boy's cheek bones were high and perfectly defined. His eyes trailed down Jimin's wide, but cute and proportional nose to his supple lips. Yoongi knew that feature the most. It had been a habit of his to look at people's mouths while they spoke to him. For some reason though, he enjoied watching Jimin speak the most. He admired the kid's top lip; a gradual slope leading to a rounded mountain that dips into a valley before rising to another wonderful mountain. He envied his lower lip; a voluminous basin. Jimin was fighting sleep, but Yoongi had no idea why. To be honest, this was a good time to get sleep. Anytime you could sleep on tour, was a good time. Jimin needed it the most out of everyone.

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