Chapter one : finding the secret

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It was a Saturday rainy afternoon and that meant  I was able to actually  get the attic clean with  whatever that needed to be clean up there ) ( I walked in  the kick-ten  and started  making breakfast ) ( while I was making breakfast I herd little footsteps approaching) what's for breakfast ? I herd behind me )Won't you come and help sometimes and then you'll  know what's for breakfast ) mommie !!!!! (Oh yeah did I mention I had a son that acts like he's20 when he's really 3 years old ) mommie what are we having for breakfast ? Where having pancakes with turkey bacon but first I want you to go with me to the attic to help me clean ) ok mommie !!! ( I turned off  the stove and covered the food and me and my son walked upstairs to the attic )( the attic was so dusty and filled with cob -webs and boxes , so many boxes to the point where you couldn't move around  . it felt like you were trapped  ) ( when I walked to the other side Of the attic my son  did the same  and I didn't notice he hit a box that made every thing fall that was suppost to be hidden that was once placed up on the others )  when I was cleaning my side of the attic I herd my son  call me and of course I answered ) yes my love ? Mommie who's this guy with the brown hair ???I found these drawings in the box that fell .did you draw them ? ( I looked at him and smiled) yes I did :) ) why did you draw Him ?) As soon as my son said that my memory went into a flashback )  mommie ?????? just put it back in the box where it belong ok sweetie] but mommy I want to know about him I mean why did u draw this strange man ? sweetie just do what I told you { I turned and looked at my son and the look he gave me was so priceless } fine ill tell u who he is but that's it } { my son sat on one of the boxes and looked at me } his name is Daniel and he's a old friend that I use to know !why did he have those fancy clothes on my son said ? { I looked at him and smiled } he had a unique style , he was the sweeties thing ever I said falling back into memory  lane { my son looked at me and smiled ) (it hurts me so much that he doesn't even know that his father is the one im telling him about )(zenas looks exactly like him but he has his eyes and my nose and his lips and my ears but other than that he reminds me so much of him )

did you draw them ? ( I looked at him and smiled) yes I did :) ) why did you draw Him ?) As soon as my son said that my memory went into a flashback )  mommie ?????? just put it back in the box where it belong ok sweetie] but mommy I want to know ...

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(This is zenas :) 👆👆
Oh don't mind the app design
Great app by the way
Ok back to the book hehehehe 😀)

!!!!! momma ! i herd from the other side of the attic ) yes my love i said walking to him  )momma ? there's a picture that looks like you in it ,is this you he said showing me the picture )(the picture was definitely of me and my pals at the diner years ago when i use to work there before Zenas  was born ) is this Daniel he said pointing at the photo )yes thats him i said smiling at the photo ) why were  you in a diner  momma ? he asked giving me a look )before you were born i use to work in the diner as a waitress... i was there for a few years i said making my son smile wide ) wait momma what was Daniel doing there he said giving me a look )when he was free from his day he use to come and surprise me he use to tell me he would sit at the back booth and watch me work from table to table i said making zenas smile even wider )i could still smell the rose's he always use to bring me from every day when I was working ) mommy that's your favorite flower he said smirking ) yes i know i said getting up and putting the other boxes to the other side of the attic )mommy tell me how you and Mr Daniel met he said helping me with one of the boxes ) it such a long story my baby I said opening one of the boxes and looking threw it  following by my son giving me his famous puppy do eyes that Daniel use to give to me that I couldn't resist ) OK fine I said smirking following by my son smiling and sitting on the floor and me joining him )  a long time ago I grew up in a  neighborhood with my family , it was ten of us in a two bed room apartment , with not enough food , and not a lot of privileges to do anything in that town but our parents tried to make our childhood the best we could have I said smirking ) wait mommy why did u live in a bad neighborhood my son  said giving me a sad look ) it was just how it was baby , I said getting back to the story ) well I was the middle child and me and my sisters slept in one bedroom and my brothers slept in the living room ) and our parents slept in there bedroom) wait ????? so when did you meet Daniel my son said giving me a smile  ?  he use to visit my work place alot but my job was kept from interacting with the other people )( but i didn't meet Daniel until that Saturday night , Saturday night was the night i was usually working since my parents weren't making enough so us kids had to help them out , my job was a few blocks from my house , i fixed my small afro and threw on my only work clothes which was brown pants and a white blouse that my mom made which I cherished. I walked those few blocks to work smiling because I loved my job so much ) and when i got to my destination which was the club,  the place was crowded people dancing and twisting and jumping and drinking and laughing , i could t help but smile at this postive energy in the club ) HEY YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i herd from behind me which made me nervous ) yes sir i said turning around ) WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ONE OF THE MEN SAID ) i work here sir i said looking in another direction) CAN U MAKE ME SOMETHING IM HUNGRY HURRY UP he said snapping his fingers ?  Yes sir  i said with confusion ) WELL ILL BE DARN , THIS GIRL HASN'T TOOK MY ORDER ALSO HURRY UP another person said ????? Don't worry girl I got u my friend kelly said rushing taking the other persons order while I went to get my order , I noticed  a gentleman with brown hair and blue eyes staring at me but it didn't bother me so I finished doing what I had to do and 50mins went by and that same gentleman was Still staring at me from the booth in the back ) so after I finished my orders I was curious so I headed to the back where the gentleman was and I gave him a look ) May I help you I said  with a sass tone ) all he did was smirk and flash his blue eyes at me ) yes u can help me he said with a big beautiful smile that he had ) May I have a cuppa please beautiful ?? ( I stopped what I was writing and gave him a look ) exscuse me I said rolling my eyes ) what he said smiling) you know what u said I said with a sass tone ) what because I called u beautiful he said smirking) I'm not beautiful please don't call me that again sir I said putting a coffee on his table and leaving the section where he was to go to another table to handle there order and still I caught that young gentlemen still eyeing me ) who's the cutie kelly said grabbing other orders from the kickten ) I don't know but he's freaking me out , he keeps staring at me like I'm a piece of candy or something I said rubbing my neck ) well I would take a big bite out of him he's super cute she said winking at me exiting the kickten giving other people there orders ) (as it started to get later in the club )it was easier to clean down the tables and the restaurant)( while Kelly was cleaning the kickten I was cleaning the outside of the restaurant with sweeping and mopping ) . Excuse me  !!( I herd from behind me )I rolled my eyes and stopped mopping ) I never been so nervous i thought fixing my afro ) yes sir I said turning around to face the young gentleman and wow kelly was right this gentleman was really a snack , he had nice brown hair and beautiful light blue eyes and his lips, his lips were so tasty and biteable ) I also noticed he was a little taller than me he was at least 5'5) um miss he said snapping me out of my thoughts ) yes sir ????? I wasn't able to tell you thank you for the cuppa from earlier he said smirking ) wait why are u talking to me I said nervously) what do u mean he said giving me a look ) u know that we can't really be talking to one another I mean not unless I'm taking a order from u I said looking down at my shoes) hey it's not like it's a crime to talk to you he said staring at me ) actually it is I said rolling my eyes ) well no one is here to write us up and plus I wanted to know if I can see u again he said smirking because honey , your definitely something he said making me smile )whats your name  beautiful? he said not breaking eye contact with me )why ????? I said trying to end the conversation ) because I want to know he said eyeing me ) fine it's Deanna i said looking at my toes ) My , thats a beautiful name he said winking at me ) thank you sir i said rubbing my arm ) call me Daniel he said giving me a smile following by my attention going back to the mop I was holding )D ANIEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( we both turned our direction to the sound and we didn't noticed that the hole restaurant was crowded again )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ? A WOMAN SAID GIVING HIM A NASTY LOOK ) i was just talking to her Beth he said turning his attention to me ) i was just finishing my job and on my way out anyway i said making eye contact with her )YOU SHUT YOUR FACE she said making me tear following by me rubbing my arm ) LETS GO DANIEL she said grabbing his arm following by some other people following him ) Omg are u ok girl what the rabbits happen she said with a consern face) it's nothing love I said rubbing my eyes ) a guy like that wouldn't be interested in me anyway I said finishing up the last of my chores and closing up my side of the restaurant ) i herd in the distance ) now you go back home the police officers said letting me loose following by me walking off to my side of town) who was that guy i thought walking to my building with confusion )

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