chapter 5: the talk

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once we all was in the apartment I locked the door and  went upstairs and changed Zenas clothes and tucked him into bed because he was exhausted. and I changed my clothes into something comfy as well ) you look comfy Daniel said smiling ) oh um thanks I said grabbing two tea cups from the cabinet)is that my sweater he said sitting in one of the chairs ) um yeah i said blushing ) no  its ok I was wondering where it was but at least its getting used right Daniel said giving me a look) i guess i said smirking ) u know I can help u with the tea he said walking over to grab the sugar ) ah u still remember where everything is I said putting the tea bags in both cups) yeah how could i forget he said giving me a look)( I couldn't help but get lost in his light blue eyes ) u know u still have that beautiful smile i fell in love with years ago he said touching my chin) Daniel !!!! i said ) i know i under stand he said grabbing the kettle and pouring the warm water into both cups ) so about us Daniel said sitting down on the couch ) what about us i said grabbing my cup and sitting on the couch ) stop playing games ok and just talk to me like a real adult ...... this is a serious matter ... this is about our relationship and our son , i wanna be in both of your lives ) how about i move back in , we can start over , be a real family , please Deanna .... at least let me try he said giving me a look ) i know u still love me he said grabbing my hand ) i do love u Daniel i said giving him a look )then let me at least try to do better in our relationship and as a father ) and that being #1 , i wanna see my son more and i want us to work out our problems and this relationship , i want my wife back he said eyeing me ) ( and i couldn't help in that moment kiss him and that kissing turned into us making out on the couch ) me grabbing his hair and his hands running up my sides and me Deeping the kiss and Daniel picking me up and walking us to our old bedroom )(that night was full of rough sweet passion and i thought laying next to a asleep daniel )( the next morning i woke up to the sound of a coffee machine and loud cartoons  and that meant that daniel and zenas was awake ) when i got downstairs daniel and zenas was making muffins and laughing and giggling ) m...o...m..m..y!!!!!! zenas said running to me ) heyyyy how's my biggg man i said giving him a million kisses following by zenas giggling ) mommy mr Daniel and me made muffins he said pointing to them ) mmmmm muffins huh i said grabbing some coffee ) yup muffins daniel  said grabbing him a cup as well ) by the way i missed what we did last night .... that was freaking amazing he said kissing my neck ) yup totally amazing i said moving from his grip and drinking my coffee i said smirking )( while i was drinking my coffee i also thought that last night with daniel was amazing and i loved it )

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