"Is she pale or vomiting?", he asked

"She's pale, yeah.", I said. 

"I had a feeling. Go ahead and bring her in. It sounds like she's about to go into labor.", he said.

"Yeah, that's what I figured. Ok, we're on our way.", I said.

"Is she there?", he asked.

"No, she's in the other room.", I said.

"Ok, well tell her to relax and not get worked up.", Dr. Sato said.

"Alright.", I said.

"Thanks for calling. Most people wouldn't have. I'll prepare a room for her, so just bring her in the regular appointment entrance and I'll be waiting for you there.", he said.

"Ok. Thanks.", I said.

Dr. Sato hung up the phone and I sighed. I put my phone back into my pocket and walked out into the living room. Asuna was still pacing the floor of the living room. 

"Who was that?", she asked.

"Dr. Sato. I need to take you in.", I said.

"Why? I'm ok.", she said.

"You won't be saying that in a little while.", I said, giving her a look.

"You don't mean... Oh, no. It's too early. I'm not due for another week.", she said, panic growing in her eyes.

I put my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes, filled with stress and fear.

"You'll be alright. I already talked to Dr. Sato and he said not to get worked up. Just relax.", I said.

"Easy for you to say! You don't have to give birth twice in the same day! For the first time!", she said.

"No, but I'm still just as scared as you are. The only way we'll get through this is if we go now and trust the doctors. Cool down. I won't let anything happen to you and I'll be there through the whole thing. I won't leave your side.", I said, pulling her into a hug and trying to get her to calm down. Asuna took a deep breath.

"Ok. Let's go.", she said. 

I kissed her once, then went down the hallway to get the things we needed to take to the hospital. I grabbed Asuna's purse, her shoes, a couple sets of extra clothes, and our phone chargers, then stuffed them into a bag. I pulled on my tennis shoes and then walked out of the room, turning off the light and closing the door. Asuna was facing away from me with both hands cradling her stomach. I set her sandals down in front of her and then grabbed her keys off the hook by the door. 

Asuna slid her shoes on and then took my arm and we walked out the door. I was kind of rushed to get her to the hospital. I drove as safely as I could, while also wishing I could press the speed limit just a little. I didn't want to risk it, though. Not with my pregnant wife in the car, on our way to the hospital. 

I pulled into the outpatient parking lot and we got out. I took Asuna in and Dr. Sato met us at the door. He led us to a room with a bed in it and a couple of chairs. He gave Asuna a hospital gown, then left the room so she could change into it. Asuna took off her clothes, then slipped into the white hospital gown and got into the bed. She had a little bit of difficulty, but she eventually got comfortable and Dr. Sato came back in. 

"Well, from the looks of it, you'll be a mother by lunch.", Dr. Sato said, hooking Asuna up to a monitor and putting a little clip thing on her finger.

I pulled out my phone and sent a group message to everybody. I told them that Asuna was going into labor and what room number we were in. They all responded, saying they were on their way.

All I Need Book 2Where stories live. Discover now