And the Pain Begins

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Next morning

I laid in bed, I decided to turn off my phone and just lay in bed all day. I would hear mom or Ally come in every now and then but I'd just act like I was asleep. I went to the bathroom and ended up in there for several minutes vomiting. I heard the bathroom door open and felt the presents of someone behind me holding my hair up , I flinched at the touch . when I finally got done I turned to see a concerned looking King, he put my hair in a bun and gave me a cup of water to gargle.

On my way back to the bed my legs were still sore and began to weaken. I collapsed to the floor crying in pain, King ran over to me "what's wrong sis are you OK!?" King said as he picked me up and carried me to my bed. "Kacey what's wrong?" King asked I just shook my head as tears trembled down my face. "I'm getting mom" King said as he got up and walked down the hallway. I cried in pain, I was really sore and really scared to tell my mom what happened, what if she didn't want me anymore and dad..., the thought made me cry more. I could hear my mom walking toward my room calling my name "Kacey, Kacey, are you..." I was still crying when she came in.

"honey what's wrong, are you sick" mom said as she felt my forehead, I shook my head no "is it your time of the month?" Mom questioned I shook my head no. Soon King came back in the room and joined us on the bed sitting next me, he hugged me and I cried in his shoulder. ."Kacey baby you can tell me, did someone hurt you?" Mom asked as King lifted his head waiting for my response. I nodded my head and suddenly felt King tense up "Kacey who hurt you?" King said with anger in his voice. Mom grew more worried as she said " baby what happened?" I opened my mouth but suddenly broke down in tears. "This boy he he he...." I started as I sobbed and King's grip got tighter around me "honey slow down, what did he do" mom said "he he... He raped me" I said as I broke down again. King jumped up furious pacing back and forth, "this is all my fault, I shouldn't have left you, Damn!!" King said as he punch a whole in my wall making mom and I both jump. "King its not your fault" mom said as tear slowly slid down her face.

Mom got up and went in my closet she handed me a pair of dark gray Sweat's, a white tang top and my white and gold Adidas, "put this on now and meet me down stairs" mom said as she walked out the door. King helped me to the bathroom still really mad. I quickly got dressed and I asked King to put my hair in a bun. King helped me down the stairs and to the car. As he locked the front door I whispered "King its not your fault please don't beat yourself up about it." King just stared at me as he walked me to the car. King and I sat in the back, ring ring ring ring I looked over to King to see if he was going to answer but he looked to deep in his thoughts, I looked over to his phone and saw Trey's name flash on the screen.

The car came to a stop and I realized we were in the parking lot of a hospital. King walked me into the waiting room and we took a seat as mom went to sign me in. I was falling asleep on King shoulder, he seemed to have calmed down because his touch was softer than earlier? "Kacey Lunez" the doctor yelled. King walked me in the direction, the doctor directed and mom was at our heels. King sat beside me on the bed and mom sat in the chair. I looked up to see a mirror in front of me, I looked terrible, my eyes were red, my cheeks were puffy and I looked as if I hadn't slept in days.

"Good afternoon Ms. Lunez, how are you?" The doctor said as she closed the door. "I'm good" I said in a low voice "well I am Dr. Bree" she said. She looked around forty, long black hair, fair skin, hazel eyes, about 4'5". "How about we start with a check up" Dr. Bree said.

30 minutes later

"Well everything seems to be fine, what are you hear for sweetie" Dr. Bree said "um Dr. Bree my daughter was raped" mom said "I am sorry, sir do you mind standing so Ms. Lunez can lay down.  stood up at the end of the bed. After Dr. Bree looked, felt, and did a couple of things she left the room. King sat back beside me on the bed. As the door opened all of our attention was towards it. There stood Dr. Bree looking at her clip board as she closed the door. "Ms. Lunez you are very much healthy but.."

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