"Yes. How did you know?"

Hux shifted his body to the opposite side. "Yeah, that should definitely help. Along with all the things I just told you, of course."

Ben felt thankful to Hux, but slightly violated. How could Hux possibly know more about his behavior than he did? Ben asked him, and Hux said, "Neuroscience. Both my parents majored in it, and they have it for a job. They know all about stuff like this, they talk about it all the time for work." Hux said in a monotone voice, like he'd said those words before.

"And as for begging, Ben, let me use a better word. Request. You need to request Finn and Rey's friendship back, and if you do it correctly, they'll give it back to you. And the correct way is to try to guarantee the control of your outwards anger. It's the only way." Hux spoke like he was talking from experience. Maybe he was.

Ben looked up from the ground and turned his head, smiling and nodding at Hux. "Thanks, Brendol." He said warmly. Hux smiled and nodded once at Ben, starting to get up.

"They should be able to understand why you couldn't apologize in person to them at this time. They both know you're here, resting." Hux started to leave. "I'm going downstairs to fetch your phone. You should just call them both individually for now, but when you get home later, you should repeat your apology to both of them." Hux left the room, and Ben sighed at the remembrance of the fact that he'd need to go back to his dorm later. He hoped he would be able to make everything alright before then.

Hux came back with Ben's phone, handed it to him and left again, wishing him luck as he slipped out the door. Ben called Finn, listening to the ringing as he anxiously waited for him to pick up.

Finally he answered, speaking first. "Brendol? You took his phone? Do you know when he's coming home, if he is?" His voice sounded raspy over Ben's old iPhone 4.

Ben didn't know how to respond. He didn't know how to just say it was him to Finn. Finn said, "Whoever's there, I can here you breathing. Whoever has Ben's phone, give it to the lost and found office. I'm hanging up now."

"Wait! Finn, it's me." Ben found himself quickly saying. "It's Ben."

"Oh my god," Finn groaned, after a short amount of silence. "What could you possibly want? I can tell you what you need: a therapist."

'Was that supposed to be an insult?' Ben thought. He shook his head and said, "Okay Finn, I'm apologizing. For my behavior last night, for getting drunk, for hurting Rey and you. I'm really sorry."

"I'm sorry, too, Ben. But sorry isn't going to be able to cut it. You can't just say it, you've gotta show it."

"Finn, how the hell do I show you I'm sorry if I don't even feel comfortable enough to go back to my own dorm?!"

"First of all, you could show that you're sorry by staying calm. You're not gonna be getting anywhere by yelling at me. Second of all, I'll see you at school tomorrow, and then you'll see Rey sometime soon. You can show us then or something like that. But anyway, where are you now? Still at Brendol's?"


"How do you and Brendol know each other?"

"Drama class." Ben answered honestly.
Like hell if he was going to tell Finn about his feelings for Hux. Especially considering the circumstances.

Finn sighed. "He's a great friend to you." He stated simply.

"Yeah, he is."

Training Wheels ♥︎ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now