Sans giggled, stepping into the boat. Ignoring the fact that 1, water doesn't need to be watered, and 2, mystery man's boat services were completely free, Sans continued their conversation. "G, you're spectacular, albeit a little insane. You know, I've always wondered why our bond was never as close back before you were working here than back at the... uh, before. It seems like we could have really had a connection."

The mystery man's head hung low.

"Oh, golly. I startled you, didn't I? Sorry, G. We don't have to talk about the past if you don't want to... I know you don't remember much... or anything, so no pressure. Mweh."

The man sighed. "Whu hu hu... I suppose I should humor you, but you always seem to know more about myself than I do! It would seem like an unfair conversation..." His mouth cracked into a smile a bit more manic than what Sans was used to.

Sans hummed before nodding. "I can't really understand... but I SHALL RESPECT YOUR WISHES!" Stars glimmered excitedly in Sans' eyes.

Gaster softened, smiling tenderly. He couldn't explain it, but he always felt proud of Sans... in a strange fatherly way. "Whu hu hu! Thank you, my boy."

"No problem whatsoever, G." Sans spoke softly, as if he would shatter the environment with anything harder than normal speech. As the conversation died, Sans let his memories come back to life and his eye lights dulled considerably in his daze. He watched as the snowy terrain exited into a coolly colored cave. The ceiling rocks (mock stars) were closer to the ground and Sans watched them pass by.

He was reminded of a time when he was younger. Back when Gaster had first let the baby bones free, and things were nice... yet difficult.

He and Papyrus always used to gaze at the illuminated rocks above with such wonder... it was the highlight of their life, he supposed. Of course not counting eachother.

"Papyrus! You should be more careful where you're running. It is VERY slippery, brother." Sans shouted, trying to catch up to his brother on his stumpy legs.

"Then in that case, I should be careful not to run into any slippery situations, nyeh." Papyrus continued walking until he heard a loud splash and Sans' voice. He would always turn back to check on his older brother without fail. Most of the time, Sans would cry and Papyrus would do his best to console him. Other times... Sans wouldn't even try to get up and Papyrus would pet his skull gently.

Sans let his eyes drift shut, thoughts of his past and the good things that happened were welcomed in his sleeping mind. He and Papyrus were always there for eachother. Though Papyrus is protective more often than Sans nowadays.

"Whu hu hu... Try not to fall asleep, Sans. Misunderstandings are lurking at every corner. And do tell your friend I said hi." Gaster said as the boat slowly came to a stop.

Sans stretched before hopping out of the boat. "Thanks, G. I'll try bring you back something from cooking today."

Gaster gasped excitedly. "Th-thank you, Sans. So kind... I'll miss you. Oh! And send Papyrus my apologies."

Sans arched an eyebrow. It wasn't often that Gaster played oracle with him, but sometimes the weird stuff the former scientist talks about ends up being some sort of prediction for the future. Mild panic set into Sans' bones and he really needed to ask.  "...for what?"

Gaster put a hand to his chin and frowned in concentration before waving the problem off. "Can't remember. That means it's important!"

Sans nodded once, understanding very little. "If sorry is what you want to be, I shall tell my brother that you are sorry!"

Gaster smiled, clapping his hollow hands excitedly in short but quick movements. "Excellent, you go have fun with your friends now, son. Whu hu hu..."

Sans snapped his attention back to the "mystery man" who apparently called him... son. The skeleton shook his head. "Later. Save it for after training." He mumbled before waving bye happily and running into the watery area of waterfall.

It was famous for their waterfalls and artificial stars, you know.

He smiled at the sight of Bonnie opening up her shop and he waved. The old bunny monster waved back. "Heading to Alphys's?"

Sans smiled. "You know it!"

"You should save me some leftovers today. Whahaha!" Bonnie laughed, entering her shop.

Sans sighed happily and continued his walk, turning left in the damp cavern. He waved to the singing shyren and stood next to the entrance of Alphys' lot.

He poked his head in gently to see if she was ready. Relieved that the dinosaur monster was no where in sight, he took the leftwards path where he was once again met with the reflective blue water and a long time friend.

"Hey, ferry." Sans greeted.

"Three gold for the ferry!" The pink faced blob chirped happily, sitting in it's place motionless. As if he were simply background in a bigger scene.

Sans giggled and shook his head. "Uh, no thank you. I've got plenty gold." He sat down and laid on his back, looking up at the fake night sky peacefully.

Ferry deflated slightly, a bit upset no one would have to step on his face in order to get across a disproportionate gap. "Step on my face?"

Sans sighed and shook his head. "Don't need a lift, ferry. I'll tell you when I do need one though, huh?"

It was barely a half hour before the loud roars of Alphys' were heard and Sans needed to get to training. The skeleton hummed before skipping back towards his boss (and teacher's) house was.

There was still plenty of training that had to be done if he were to become a royal guard one day.

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