Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Abbey pulled her gaze from Marcus and turned it to Julian. At six feet Julian was much shorter than Marcus and yet still much taller than her own five foot frame. He was leaner than Marcus, each muscle much more defined. His face was clean shaven, open and approachable. His brown eyes were still full of that warmth that was always there but she could also see his hunger.

Abbey felt her body heat with the memories of the way he had loved her body not long ago in this very room. She wanted him loving her that way again.

“Come to us, Abbey,” Marcus urged. His voice was like velvet as it washed over her and Abbey was helpless to do anything other than obey his command.

Her bare feet made no sound as she crossed the plush carpet and came to stand before the brother’s. Her mind tried to roar to life voicing it’s doubts. How was she to please two men? How could she hope to? She was not good enough for them. What would people think of her……..?

Marcus’s breath washed over her neck as he placed his mouth beside her ear. She could feel the rough hair of his beard brushing her skin and setting her on fire with memories of how good that hair had felt when it had been brushing her most intimate places, “Just feel, Abbey.” he whispered.

Abbey took a deep breath and did as he urged. She turned her head and captured Marcus’s lips beneath her own as he stooped low.

Marcus’s growl vibrated against her lips and then he took over the kiss, deepening it and demanding more from her as his tongue dominated hers. One of his hands reached around to cup her ass and the other buried itself in her hair tugging just as he had this morning and causing that delicious mixture of pain and pleasure to wash over her.

After years of only pain Abbey had not imagined that the sensation could be combined with pleasure to leave her panting and wanting more.

She felt the buttons of her shirt being undone and knew it had to be Julian. His hands brushed against her breasts as he worked his way down and Abbey felt her nipples harden instantly.

Marcus broke away from her as Julian slid the shirt from her shoulders and it fell to the bedroom floor leaving her standing there in nothing but her leggings.

More doubts… Doubts about the softness of her belly, the cellulite on her hips, the lack of squats that her ass had seen….Just feel. The look of hunger in her mate’s eyes made it impossible to truly focus on her own insecurities. These men clearly did not see a thing wrong with how she looked.

Or at least she thought that was the case until Marcus began growling and then strode away from her.

He paced the room like a caged lion, his long legs eating up the ground so quickly that he seemed almost a blur as he strode back and forth, back and forth.

Julian took Abbey by the shoulders and led her to the bed. He sat her down carefully, pressing tender kisses to her collarbones that made her whimper, “What’s wrong with him?” she somehow managed to question.

“It’s the bruises,” Julian replied gently. “Just give us a minute.”

Abbey nodded as she looked down at her stomach and saw the fading bruises still left from her last beating at Joseph’s fists and feet. They were nearly gone and looked worlds better than they had a week ago when she’d come into town but this was Marcus’s first time seeing them and clearly he wasn’t pleased.

His giant hands were closed into tight fists, his nostrils were flared and his eyes were flaming as he continued to pace. Julian walked closer to Marcus and Abbey recognized the far off look in his eyes as he used the telepathic link that he shared with Marcus.

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