Conversations In Bag End

Start from the beginning

You couldn't help but return the smile. At least one person wasn't staring at you like an alien from outer space, "Nice to meet you too, Frodo, and yes, he has."

Frodo snorted in unbelief, "Huh, that's a miracle in itself. Ever since he came back from slaying that dragon he hasn't quite been himself."

At the mention of the mythical creature your eyes grew as big as watermelons, "Dragon!? A real dragon? Like huge, fire breathing, lizard?"

Bilbo smiled at your reaction, only a bit perturbed, "Yes! But I didn't kill the beast. No, that was Bard... Oh, Is there any other kind? Don't you have dragons in (country)?"

"No! There's no such thing were I come from!" You could still hardly believe your ears at the conversation you were having.

"Really? From what you've told me about your world, it sounds fascinating! But no dragons!?"

"It's not as incredible as you may think... And it's completely devoid of magic, so... it's not really..." You tried to think of the right words for earth... boring maybe? No, that didn't seem right. Earth had it's fine points.

"Devoid of magic? Oh dear I don't understand at all! In a world where music is summoned from the air, carriages don't need horses and people can fly I think there would be a lot of magic!?"

You shook your head, "Well there isn't... It's more of an illusion. Science not magic."

After a bit of silence while both you and Bilbo tried desperately to understand each other's worlds, Frodo bit his lip, "Um... Pardon me, but Uncle your neglecting your guests. Everything is ready down near Bywater."

Bilbo's face crumpled into a frown at the reminder, "Oh, dash it all! Just when the conversation was getting interesting again," He turned back to you, "I say, my dear. Do you mind waiting here for a bit? I'm sure Gandalf will be back shortly with something for you to wear."

"He is already here." A deep and familiar voice interjected. You turned just as Gandalf ducked to avoid the rafters, new clothes in hand, "Go meet your guests Bilbo, I'll tend to ___ and be down shortly." He nodded and Frodo took Bilbo out the door with a cheery glance back at you. Gandalf offered up some new clothes for you, which were old fashioned but comfortable. Shoes were provided, but declined when you knew the sharpest thing you'd walk on was a dirt road and the party was all on grass. Besides it might give you a better chance of fitting in with the halflings.

Once you had changed, already feeling much better, you hesitantly asked, "I hate to be a nag, but when can I find some answers to my... 'problem?'"

"All in good time my dear. We'll need to have a decent talk after Bilbo's party tonight, but for now I dare say you could use a bit of cheer. Worry does not bode well on a pretty face, and it's best to relax. It's not often we get a decent amount of peace in this life."

Though his response frustrated the logical side of you, the other half sounded very inviting. Taking Gandalf's word you followed him down to the field of bright lights and colorful tents. To your surprise no one gawked at you like before. Since you always felt more comfortable around Gandalf everyone assumed you were some sort of assistant to the old wizard. It took a while for you to start to enjoy the cheery celebration, but Bilbo'd nephew Frodo seemed to notice your worry and decided to show you around. The hobbit's casual and fun-loving demeanor quickly enveloped you as you tried new foods, drink and even danced under the magical spectacles Gandalf provided.

It has been so long since you had just let all your cares melt away and let the moment take you, your heart felt like it was on wings! You stopped briefly to be introduced to some of Frodo's closest friends, and to listen to Bilbo's 111th birthday speech! It was certainly a surprise when you heard his age, but even more of a surprise when he completely disappeared at the end of it! The whole crowd gasped, and you blinked multiple times. You've seen enough magic shows to know about vanishing tricks, but this was different! His figure had totally melded into the background!

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