End of Flashback:

(Warning: Contains OOCness from Kenpachi.)

"Since then, it has been my dream to defeat him. Then after that I shall continue to serve him.", Nagisa said.

"Ho?? I'd like to fight him as well then! Where do I find him?!", Kenpachi enthusiastically asked.

"That's no longer possible.", Nagisa mumbled.

"What do you mean?", Kenpachi asked.


Toushiro and the rest came back shortly afterwards and saw the place completely torn apart.

"Oi, Zaraki! You're paying for the repairs!", Toushiro said with an irritated look on his face.

Kenpachi disregads him and stands up.

"You already know my name, so what's yours?", Nagisa asked.

"Zaraki Kenpachi."

"Oi! Zaraki! Are you even listening?!", Toushiro called.

(Zaraki Kenpachi...), Nagisa thought, she was oblivious that a smile formed her lips.

Seeing this, Kenpachi made a decision on something.

"Alright, I've decided!", he said.

"What random nonsense are you saying?", Nagisa asked raising an eyebrow.

"You! Be my woman!", he exclaimed as he points finger at her.

Silence fell into the room as everyone wanted to make sure they heard right.

"What?", Nagisa asked again.

"I said be my woman.", Kenpachi nonchalantly said.

There was a long silence and everyone in the room stares blankly at them. Nagisa, as well as everyone's jaw dropped.

"Wha- wha- what the hell are you talking about?! How can you say something like that with a straight face?! And we just met like an hour ago!", Nagisa frantically said as she blushes.

"How can I say this.... 'What a cute reaction'.", Masahiko teasingly said.

"S-Shut up! Can you believe this guy?!", Nagisa said as she points finger at Kenpachi.

Masahiko was once again surprised and approaches Yuuki.

"Yuuki.... she didn't... she didn't threaten me?!!", he said.

(*sweat drop*) "What?! I didn't know you were a masochist?", Yuuki asked with a confused look on her face.

"That's not what I meant! She usually threatens me everytime I tease her but instead she only told me to shut up!"

"Yep... you are a masochist alright....", Yuuki mumbled.

Masahiko ponders for a while in which Yuuki didn't fail to notice.

"Ma-kun, what ever you're thinking, don't do it.", Yuuki said.

Masahiko brushes her off and proceeds to where Nagisa is.

"Nagisa, I like you. Go out with me?", he asked with a straight face.

Suddenly, two real swords were touching his neck. Nagisa's on his throat and Kenpachi's on the side. All blood drained from Masahiko's face.

"Any last words?", Nagisa asked with a scary smile on her face.

"Who might you be?", Kenpachi menacingly asked.

(*facepalm*) "..... baka....", Yuuki mumbled.

(*sweat drop*) "We-Well at least they found a connection...", Rangiku said.

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