33. " Visions of the Past and Future "

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Haruka barricades the door and casts a barrier around the room. The dagger in her grasp was poised and ready. She doesn't seem to be aware of Toushirou in the room. After a short while a loud howl was heard. Haru was nearby. Haruka sighs in relief now knowing Haru was fine. But for how long?

"Haru..... Riku.....", Haruka mumbled with a worriedly.

Toushirou looks around in warily. But internally, he's confused. (What's happening here?! Is this an illusion Fujisaki created?)

Haruka turns her attention to her daughter and caresses her cheek comfortingly. "We're safe for now but I want you to stay here and hide. Mommy will be back as soon as possible.", she walks towards the wall by the bed to reveal a small hidden room.

Yuuki was ushered inside but the little girl was having none of it. She clung onto her mother's sleeve desperately. "Mommy, please don't go... don't leave me alone.", she pleaded.

Hakura bends down to plant a kiss on Yuuki's forehead. "I'll be back for you I promise.", she said as she gingerly pried off Yuuki's hands off her sleeve.

With a hesitant pause, Haruka closes the secret door and dashes out of the room to find her son and husband. Silence fell into the room as Yuuki anxiously wait for her mother's return. Toushirou can only watch in silence as the scene before him unfolds. It didn't take long before footsteps was heard. And to Toushirou'a horror, Shinjo enters the room disabling Haruka's barrier with little to no effort. He stands in front of the secret room. It was no surprise for him to know about it since it's been his home for hundreds of years.

"Ohh Yuukiiiiii I know you're there, come out now there's no use hiding.", Shinjo called in a sickeningly sweet voice, as if they were only playing hide and seek.

Yuuki flinched but didn't respond.

"If you won't come out then I'll make you...", that was the only warning she got as Shinjo slashes down the door.

Yuuki cried in alarm as tears stream down her face. Fear swallowed her whole but gained enough courage to ask, "W-Why are you doing this?!"

Shinjo didn't respond, with a cold look on his face he raises his sword. No words were exchanged, and with no amount of mercy, he struck her down.

On impulse, Toushirou went in between them. The scream he let out barely registered in his senses. However, the sword merely went through him. Toushirou can only watch in horror at the inevitable. Yuuki falls helplessly to the ground, lifeless. "No..... this isn't real.... this is just an illusion....", but the young captain fell to his knees in utter despair contradicting his words.

"Yes.... that's the face I wanna see!", a familiar voice said.

Toushirou sprung to his feet and scowled. "Fujisaki!!! Show yourself!!! What are you aiming for showing me these illusions!!", he demanded angrily.

"Illusion? Oh they are real, its a memory from the past. These things already happened so you can only watch in despair.", Michiru's voice seems to come from everywhere.

Shinjo places his palm over Yuuki's lifeless form and glows in purple light. "Now no one can save you even if they try.", he smiles wickedly before rising to his feet. "The jewel only belongs to me.", he mumbled and left.

Several minutes has passed by the time Haruka returned. But her blood ran cold upon seeing her daughter lying on the floor in a pool of blood. "N-No........ this.... can't be....", Haruka mumbled in horror. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, she wanted to wake up, hoping in vain that this was all a just a terrible dream.

But none of that happened. The universe isn't always that kind.

Haruka's mind was detached from her body. She was vaguely aware that her legs were moving, slowly, as if delaying the ineluctable. With a shuddering breath, she kneels down beside Yuuki. She proceeds on healing her but it doesn't seem to be working. It was either already too late or something was obstructing her powers. She was hoping against all hope that it was the latter. Trembling fingers presses against Yuuki's neck. A sob escaped Haruka's lip when she felt no pluse. Unable to hold back the whirling emotions anymore, gut wrenching wails tore from her throat.

 ~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushiro Hitsugaya Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora