Zombification in U.S.A

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The the man was bleeding from everywere. I felt how the similar reflex was coming back. Then i puke the last of food was still remaining in my stomach. Then i deciade to get out of the toilet and put my gear on and get hell out of here. Then i put on quickly black jeans, white t-shirt and black lether jacket. And then i took from top shelf under clothes in Wardrobe. Desert eagle .50ae magnum and couple case of amunition(thats all what i got), for one amunition case i get five clip. I will be fine for while. I went to downstairs, gun raised for similar atackers. I seaked downstairs sep by step, quietly i listened was more of those creatures invaded in my house.

I didn't hear nothing. My temple was trickle cold sweat for affection of adrenaline. I didn't bother to wipe it of. I made it to downstairs. I watched to both directions, i didn' see nothing right. But when i looked to left i saw two of them in my kitchen-livingroom. They search for fresh meat with their blood-red embty eyes. And when they moved their vision to me, they started to roar, like wild beasts before they atack to their victims. They run straight to me. I raised my gun against those creature and i pull the tricker. KLICK ! That fucking safety switch. Those creatures were only a few meters a way from me. I turned the safety switch off with my tumb and i jumped to staircase.

They run past to me and tryed to reach me as a result they tripped over. I reloaded my gun fastly to functional. One of them creatures appeared in staircase. PAM! Horrible bullet hole appeared in creatures forehead, and the another one shows himself too. PAM! That too fall to ground next to his friend. "oh jesus crist !" i curse. After all that action what happened couple secends ago. I could smell the stink what came from them.

It was like humans body was left to rotting. After its caused by his death by bullet wounds. And that smell Multiplied by five, and we are close that smell i was felt.

I tried to not to Breathing through the nose. And I head walk straight to kitchen. I saw my house the biggest window shattered, and the biggest shards were still attached to the window. And they were covered with blood. Outside was moving lot of people. At least fifty people or more. AT LEAST!

I opened kitchen kabinet and took dozen of pork can and twenty bags of magaroni on the table. Then i moved to cleaning kabinet higher shelf and i took there my old hockey bag. I emptined that old hockey stuff out of bag. I put on hockey armors and i put top of it my lether jacket.

I filled the hockey bag with cans and magaroni bags and first aid kit, that i take off tha wall. I closed the bag and but it my back. I went to door what leads to garage. And i checked that my gun safety switch WASN'T on. I pushed door open and i pointed to garage with my gun. There was no one there, only my car and my other stuff and tools. And then i heard imbacts to front door and windows to shater. Then i stepped inside to garage and i closed the door and locked it with a key.

After a moment when i was locking the door, they were hiting their fists to door. the door was old, and it was build it weakly and it started to cracking. to Inside !

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2013 ⏰

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