zombification in U.S.A

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Chapter one:

rescue mission

part two

And somehow my hands were to man's chest and i pushed him farther of way. I tryed to think WTF i supouse to do with this psyko. Man fell to my working desk and hit his head to taple corner. As a result of his head opened and blood splatter to a table an all of floor near the table. A man fall to floor banging. his occipital was buble with blood to floor.

"no fucking hell!" My cursing echoes a cross the empty room.

I felt after a recent event just horrible, i was going to puke. I hasten quickly to the toilet, I could just reach sink until, puke surged out of my mouth. I'm waiting until the nausea passes, and I go to the bedroom window and i pulled curtain aside and then i saw it. At outside were lots of people, who looked like the man who atacked me. Their external shapes varied widely, one had arm eaten and other one had half of the face eaten. But everyone had similar wounds and contusion.

" How in the world i will make it to you, Emily" i said at aloud.

And then the man who i poked, was MOVING. His eyes lit up and they were all over blood-red, and they were staring me. The man started to crawl straight to me like lighting-fast. And yet again panic takes controll over at me. Oh shit!

No one can't move like that after that of kind of impact, i thought at incredulous. I rushed to the bathroom a couple leaps and bounds. And i closed the door behind me and locked it.

And almost imedietly behind the door heard roaring and he was hitting the door with his fist.

I back off other side of the room, furiously breathing. My eyes looked something suitable as weapon. And then i shaw it, metallic mop stick. I crab the stick and i remove the mop off. Then i took off the plastic plug with shaking hands. The impacts to door was so strong that it was already cracking the door to the piecies. The door broke apart and time slowed down. The man came roaring behind cracked door, and only one heart beat i frosed. So at least I thought, because when i was in my thoughts, my body started to move automaticly.

My hands swing the stick wide curve straight to his head. Man stopped for one moment because the imbact, and he started atack yet again. My hands swing the stig for aiming to mans mouth. The head of the stig hits mans mouth and keep traveling to botom of the mans throat. And when it hits his bottom of his throat, i wrench the stick on the left. His temple was free all imbacts. Then i with my all strength kicked it.

when i was wrench the stick to left, the mans neck was aloud snapping but my kick got it snap aloud and mans neck was broken. The man was lying still, like dead.

will continue ...

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