Zombification in U.S.A

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so this is the first time i'am writhing here. i'am sorry my bad english because i'am from finland so be nice and tell me truthfully what you think my story. waithing your comments and votes and there will be more of it coming.

Chapter one:

rescue mission

part one

In one morning i woke up usually six thirty am at work. When i was waking up i heard some kind of howling. I think that people were sceaming of terror at outside of my house, probably it was strikers fuss or something. I didin't care of it.

I went to shower to wash sweat i got at night, since I had forgotten to put the air conditioning on. The shower was refreshing, but before i could enjoy complitly, i heard phone ringing.

" time can't be that much ?" i wondering at alaoud. I washed myself guickly and i put a towl araound my pelvis. I walked in hurry bemoaning refreshing shower cut off. I walked swiftly phone, deplored a refreshing shower interruption. Phone was still ringing, how i hated that voice at early in tha morning. I lifted the handset and answered " Jake Robertson speaking. Then i pull the handset further, because there was a good friend and colleague of mine Emily Chase loud noise. " WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?". " home of course, whats wrong with you?" I was wondering Emily's voice pitch and how much of it was hysterical. "Oh, what's wrong? Do not joke about such a matter. SHIT ..." going from one end of disintegration was a big window voice. "Emily, what was it?" I asked with concern. I heard hand gun shots from the line, not just one but several shots in row. After a moment Emily came back to phone. " c-come and get me OUT OF HERE!" sound i heard was more and more terrified and fear. "what for? oh like now ?" i asked in surprice, i didn't realy know what happened out there. " As fast as you can ..." and then i heard my downstairs voice of my window shattering. " yeah, i will come bye!" i hang up the phone, only to see a human on my bedroom door step. Man. He was otherwise normal-looking, he got short brown hair, dark eyes, one hundred and eighty centimeters tall and ninety kilos hevy. he was wearing shorts and t-shirt. But all of his clothes were tatters and smelled blood. Fresh blood. The smell and the sight was disguisting, because he got all over his body biting marks and laceration wounds, that was bleeding blood. The man run roaring and hands trying to grab me straight to me. on that fleeting seconds i didn't have the time to think what to do. this was the first time when this happened, it was very crappy feeling.

will continue ...

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