"Ha, ha," Alex chuckled giving Zola a knowing look that he was right. She was by far the best one, he thought, kinda left those brats in her ballerina dust.

Jo was standing quietly on the side taking in this little view of domestic bliss. Her heart felt a familiar tug seeing how truly sweet Alex was with the toddler. He was going to make a great dad someday, she thought. She just wondered if that could be with her.

Get your head straight, she told herself. Gotta get Peckwell, er, Jason to drop the charges and gain respect at the hospital. Still, looking at Alex with Zola made her want that some day. Maybe with him.

"You sure Alex is okay to get released Saturday?" asked Meredith heading out with Cristina. "He looks so, so...bad." She was concerned, maybe more than worried, about her friend, Zola's makeshift uncle, Saturday night movie partner, all around "good guy" in her book.

"He's comin' home with us. Who better to take care of him than two doctors? Webber's already approved a week off for me. I've been nonstop since Zola's evil twin was brought in here. I need a break and what better way than sitting my butt on the couch with Karev?" Cristina knew when she started that Mer was in.

"Does he know of your little plan?" asked Meredith a little excited with the thought of Alex moving back in for a while. It had helped her when Derek died, her two main people around her 24/7, really made life livable. Now, she could repay the kindness. They were the perfect overbearing friends to get Alex better, get him healthy again.

On Saturday, Karev was discharged right on schedule. He was beaming, happy to be rid of that crap bed, the crap food, and the crap tubes and wires coming out of him.

Beaming until the wheelchair was brought in by a beaming Cristina Yang.

"What the hell is that?" asked Alex not believing it was in his room.

"That would be a wheelchair, genius. I thought you passed all your boards."

"I am a freaking doctor! I am not getting wheeled out in that!" he yelled crossing his one healthy arm.

"Okay, stay here," said Cristina wheeling it back out.

"Yang! Get back in here! Seriously?"

"You know the rules. Get your ass in this thing." Cristina was moving it back and forth watching with amusement as Alex tried to get in.

"I will officially be dead by the end of the week with you and Grey takin' care of me." Alex plopped in the chair and let himself be wheeled out.

Sunday arrived with Zola so wound up, Meredith thought she could possibly internally combust. She ripped her tutu before even making it out of the house. Cristina treated it like a surgery and had it repaired in five minutes.

Alex came out of the spare bedroom looking better than he had in a week.

"Whoa, frat boy's all grown up," teased Cristina admiring the GQ looks of Karev. She had to admit, he did clean up well.

Alex had on his Johns Hopkins suit, not the wrinkled, drab suit he threw on when Webber made them dress up for some presentation or for some important visitors. No, this suit meant business. He'd also shaved, every last whisker, no stubble today.

This was important to Zola, therefore important to Alex. He was filling in for a missing dad, taking that responsibility to heart. He vowed to never let her down. As long as he had breath, no freaking way would he disappoint her.

His childhood was one sad memory after another. Zo had the biggest sadness any little girl would have to face...daddy gone forever. Alex was going to do everything in his power to fade that memory from her mind and replace it with fun, happy, silly, crazy Unkie Ax ones. Not to forget Derek, but to honor him by creating joyous times that her daddy would have loved to join in on.

You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ