Chapter 8

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Jo had waited so long for this kiss...with Alex. From the first time she saw the peds surgeon, she knew she wanted those lips. Those full, sexy, smart ass lips.

She'd resisted. He'd resisted. They settled on friendship instead. They were more alike than either would ever admit. They hadn't wanted to admit much. Then the Peckwell incident, the attacking tree, so finally, finally the long awaited kiss.

Alex had his hand intertwined in Jo's hair, pulling her gently in, her soft lips finally touching his. Like velvet, like a dream, like...

"Go way!" yelled Zola Shepherd running to the beautiful brunette, one arm clenched in a tight fist.

Meredith grabbed her daughter's hand before she could take a swing at Jo.

"Unkie Ax!" she screamed trying to get to Alex.

"Zo, it's okay. Come up here with Uncle Alex. Mer, let her go." Alex reached out his arm huge smile on his face.

"Jo, I'm so sorry. Zola probably thought you were hurting Alex. See, he's fine, baby."

Zola was grabbing onto Alex's good arm trying desperately to get on the bed with him. She turned around and gave Jo her ugliest face and used one arm to push at the air in her direction, as if to say "stay away."

Alex was laughing as he pulled up Zo on the bed, settling her in next to him. "Hey, look at me," he instructed. "That's Jo. She's my friend, so she's your friend. She was just kissing my boo boos."

Zola looked unconvinced but stopped making the faces at Jo. She began kissing all over Alex's face causing everyone to crack up.

"Like there hasn't been enough kissing in this room already, Karev," stated Cristina coming in to check on Alex.

"Zola, let Aunt Cristina check on Uncle Alex's owies. Come here," Meredith said reaching for her daughter.

Zola threw herself on Alex's bed threatening a full on fit if forced to leave.

"Unkie, Unkie!" she screamed holding onto Alex's arm for dear life. He had to admit, it felt damn good. This kid loves me, he thought, really loves me. He tried not to laugh out loud knowing that Meredith wasn't happy when he didn't back her up, or let Zo out of timeout a minute early, or let her stay up past bedtime, or did one of the numerous things that he would have to say, "Don't tell mommy."

The joys of unclehood were never ending he thought with a smug smile on his face.

"Fine! Stay," Meredith snapped giving in to her just-turned-three-year old.

Cristina worked around the toddler and checked Alex for the millionth time.

"It looks like someone's getting out of here in time for Zola's dance recital," said Yang waiting for the little girl's response.

"Hey, Mer, you should be getting' video of this. Where's your phone or use mine."

Alex was such a mom sometimes, thought Meredith as she began recording Zola's dramatic reaction. She clapped her hands squealing at some ungodly pitch and then began kissing Alex's face all over again.

Best medicine ever, thought Cristina. He'd definitely be out by Saturday just in time to get beautiful for the recital on Sunday.

Meredith gave Cristina a questioning look as if to say, "You sure?" She glanced at her injured friend and he looked like hell, so thin in such a short amount of time. He did look better today, but she thought a tiny dancer's appearance might have something to do with that.

"You hear that? I'm gonna see you in your new tutu and watch you dance on Sunday! Kickin' ass and takin' names," said Alex high fiving Zola.

"Alex!" reprimanded Meredith and Cristina in unison.

You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora