"Full recovery. Well, I'm not completely sure yet, but it is Karev. He did survive being shot by a crazed gunman. I'm thinking a tree is not gonna take him out. Meredith, right?"

"Yes, right. Alex will be fine. He just needs to wake up."

"He did wake up. He said my name." Izzie spoke to everyone in the room for the first time.

"And don't you feel special! You thought you'd keep that information to yourself? Unbelievable!" Cristina pushed everyone out of the way to get to Alex.

"It JUST happened before you came in! I have a meeting with Torres, see you before I leave, Mer." Izzie took a breath, back on track. Keep focused on why you're here, orthopedic consult, not for Alex, not to get sucked back in.

He said never come back. I'm respecting his decision, she justified as she walked out of his room. Don't look back. Don't.

She turned back just once to see Alex opening his eyes, and she could hear his voice. She rushed off to her meeting feeling that old familiar tugging on her heart. Just seeing him lying there, hurt, needing her...

No, she told herself. He doesn't need me. Doesn't want me. Go to that damn meeting.

"Mer," Alex whispered seeing her face. Yes, definitely a hallucination of Isobel Stevens.

"You're back." Meredith smiled and rubbed his cheek softly. He's awake, she thought. I can honestly tell Zola that Uncle Alex is getting better.

"Izzie wasn't here..." Alex began.

"She was, Alex. She's here to consult with Callie." He deserved the truth. As much as it hurt, it would have to be the truth.

"Makes se -sense," Alex said closing his eyes. "Whatever."

"She looks like she's put on a few. Heifer," said Cristina shining that light back in his eyes.

"Cow," agreed Meredith.

"Boobs get bigger," strained Alex. "Cool."

"He's gonna be fine," said Cristina tapping him lightly in the head with the little light.

"Since you've decided to take a mini vacation, I've gotta get back down and check on OUR patients," said Arizona kissing Alex on the forehead.

"Oh, crap. Louisa Gonzalez' labs should be back. And, uh, Nicky Stephanapo...polous, whatever, he needs the work up for..." Alex's brain was gaining a little clarity and all the little patients in Pediatrics were also becoming more clear.

"Ssshhhh." Arizona put her hand over Alex's mouth. "I've got this. You relax and get better. I'm going to work your ass off when you come back."

"I like the sound of that," he commented as she left.

Meredith pushed in closer. She could only imagine what he must have felt seeing Izzie after all these years.

"You okay?" she asked with worry written all over her face.

"Uh, no. A tree fell on me."

"You know what I mean. Izzie. Here." Meredith pushed. Getting Alex to talk was something she could do, kinda her specialty.

"Yeah, all good. If she didn't come back for me when I got shot, she sure as hell isn't comin' back cause of a tree. Shoulda known," Alex muttered turning his face away.

Saying the words aloud hurt more than just thinking them.

"It sucks, Alex. I know."

"Whatever. It's crap, but whatever."

You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMYWhere stories live. Discover now